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also, i have made a start on the deaky fic but i am torn between titles. do i go with the cliché You're My Best Friend or do i go for Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy?

and i need a cover so if anyone can help me, pls hit me up 😇😇😇


On the 26th of July, Roger's birthday, Rebecca woke up bright and early to go downstairs and make him some breakfast - something she's gotten very good at.

With Roger and the band now back in the studio for their new album, she's happy to let him sleep in. Especially today since it's his day of birth.

She peeks into the nursery, relieved to see that Ellie is still sound asleep which means she'll have peace to cook.

She can't believe that her baby is six months old already. Already, Ellie is onto solid foods and the other day, she started crawling and Roger had to spend the entirety of the next one baby proofing the living room.

She's growing too fast.

Turning the radio on as she passes by it, Rebecca then leans up to grab the pots and such that she'll need to make him some eggs and bacon. That is definitely his favourite breakfast.

She hums along to the music that's playing as she cooks, thinking about the things she's got up her sleeve for the day and how Roger could react.

There's two she's certain he's going to love. The other, she's not so sure.

Nah, he'll love it.

For months, months, Roger had been dropping hints about what he'd wanted for his birthday.
And that was a dog.

It all started back in April when they'd been visiting his mum who, without telling him, had gotten a little black Labrador puppy which he immediately fell in love with.

All the way back to London on the train, he'd gone on about it, saying that every home needed a dog and that it would do both her and Ellie some good to have one at home with them while he was away.

"It'll give you some company."

He'd never had a dog of his own growing up, neither did she and so she had caved in and gotten him a puppy; an adorable little female golden retriever who was with Brian. Who, as a lover of all living creatures, happily agreed to keep hold of the pup for a couple of nights.

She just hopes that he will indeed give her back.

She'd also been so wrapped up in their domesticated heaven that she had completely forgotten that after the release of an album, came a tour.

And that tour was a long tour. At least a year so Roger wouldn't be home until August next year. Maybe he wouldn't love the surprise after all.

When the bacon is crispy and the eggs are scrambled, she turns off the hobs and plates up, carefully carrying them upstairs to the bedroom.

Breakfast in bed was well deserved.

Tiptoeing into the room, Rebecca finds him spread out on his stomach in the middle of the bed, soft snores leaving him as he sleeps soundly.

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