one hundred and five**

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Roger didn't just bring the skirt home, he brought the whole ensemble except for the wig - if they were going to do this, they may as well do it properly.

Getting home took longer than they had expected thanks to traffic and knowing that they had even less time until Hannah and John brought the girls home, Roger wasted no time in handing over the uniform to Rebecca and shoving her in the direction of the downstairs bathroom.

"Eager, Rog?" she teased, closing the door behind her before he could reply.

She changed quickly, making sure to put her black heels back on after pulling on the tights and skirt.

Christ, was she really going to do this? Never, in her life, had she done anything remotely close to this but she had to admit, it was a little thrilling and if Roger's excitement was anything to go by, she had a feeling that she was going to be in for a good time.

After buttoning up the blouse and slipping the tie around her neck, she took a look in the mirror.

Fuck. Now, this really took her back.

Running her hands through her hair a couple of times, she took one last look at her reflection before slipping out of the bathroom, only to be met with Pippin bounding towards her.

"Hi," she whispers, scratching the dog's favourite spot behind her ear. "I love you," Rebecca whispers, taking hold of her collar to lead her towards the back door, "And we missed you but you have to go outside for a little bit, okay?"

She throws her ball into their large garden, closing the door softly behind her once Pippin's chased after it.

She doesn't know where Roger has gone until she sees that the front door is still open, which means he's, for some reason, back out at the car and so she jumps up onto the kitchen table, swinging her legs back and forth to wait.

"Bex?" she hears the front door slam shut behind him and immediately, she sits up a little bit straighter, smoothing out the skirt with her hands.

"In the kitchen!"

When he enters the room, he immediately stops when he sees her sitting atop the table, a picture of innocence and a sweet smile on her lips as she holds up her hands in a sort of ta-da motion.

"Yup," he nods, stepping closer, "Never getting this out of my head now, love. You look...fuck,"

He doesn't look too bad himself; he's got his leather jacket on, sunglasses over his eyes looking like every cliche bad boy she has ever read about or seen on the TV and she loves it.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Rebecca asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm admiring you," he huffs, moving to stand in front of her; one hand coming to rest on her covered thigh and the other one on her cheek.

Biting her lip, she removes the sunglasses, throwing them down on the table behind her, "Are you going to kiss me?"

Wrapping the tie around his hand, he gently, so he doesn't hurt her, pulls her closer so he could kiss her softly.

"Look at you," she whispers, kissing his cheek softly, "You look like such a bad boy."

"Ohh," Roger grins, "Is that what we're doing? You're the good little school girl and I'm your hot bad boy lover? Gotta tell you love, 'm interested."

Rebecca trails a gentle thumb across his cheek, under his eye where there's still a faint line of eyeliner, breath trembling when he leans in to capture her bottom lip between her teeth.

"You gonna be my good girl?"

Jesus christ.

She feels his fingers dance up her thigh, disappearing under the skirt and she really wishes she had forgone the fucking tights but she doesn't need to worry because Roger has them, along with her underwear, off of her in seconds, her high heels falling to the linoleum floor with a thud.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now