ninety eight.five

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i did it. somebody to love has officially been entered into the Wattys


It feels like ages since she's been in a club and to be honest, she's enjoying it.

There are so many people, all pressed up against each other in some kind of way but Freddie takes the lead, with Roger behind him, gripping onto Rebecca's hand so he doesn't lose her in the crowd of dancers.

Their singer, obviously having called ahead to let them know they were coming, leads them toward the upper levels of the building, where there's a couple of burly looking men guarding a section cornered off with black velvet rope because of course there is.

Rebecca says a loud thank you as one of the men hold the ropes out of their way, immediately joining Freddie where he's standing at the closest table getting drinks but before he can make her one, Hannah is grabbing the back of her jumpsuit, tugging her back towards the dancefloor.

"We are dancing!"

Rebecca just manages to signal to the others that that's where they're going and Roger, though he will dance with her at some point, is happy to wait a little bit longer, possibly get a little bit drunker.

Freddie and Jim soon go down to join the girls and Roger takes a long drink of his whisky as he watches Rebecca dance for a little bit.

She's terrible, truly terrible at dancing. She has no sense of rhythm but clearly, she doesn't care. Her hands are up in the air as she twirls around, laughing when she falls into Freddie, who quickly spins her under his arm.

When Alice drags a reluctant Brian down the stairs and John goes into what can only be described as full disco mode, bopping around in their area, Roger downs the last of his drink and stands, shrugging off his jacket as he looks at Mary, who's watching John with a smile, "You joining?"

"In a bit maybe," she holds up her glass, "Don't think I'm quite there yet."

"Alright," he nods, "John, mate, you coming down?"

Deaky doesn't need to be asked twice, shuffling his way towards the stairs with Roger following behind.

Rebecca feels as if she's 21 again as she dances with Jim and Freddie. She really can't remember the last time she let her hair down like this, really let herself go.

As the song changes, she's joined by someone and she immediately knows that it's Roger when he puts his hands on her waist and she spins around in his grip to look at him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You're dancing," she says in his ear and he laughs.

"I am. Promised you, didn't I?"

"Definitely thought you'd break that one," she admits.

"Never," he says over the music, "I always keep the promises I make you. Gonna get you a bacon sandwich tomorrow when you're dying of a hangover."

She grins, realising that he's referring back to the promises he made to her on their wedding night and gripping the front of his shirt, she pulls him into a kiss, only to be broken apart by someone stumbling into them.

That someone being Brian.

"Sorry!" he yells and Rebecca grins when she realises that Mary has joined them and is now dancing with Hannah.

Rebecca and Roger dance together a little longer, foreheads pressed together as he guides her hips to the beat of the music.

It's hot, her jumpsuit is sticking to her skin but she can't tear her eyes from Roger. He's obviously warm too; his hair is sticking to his forehead and the ends are starting to curl but still, he keeps her pressed against him in every way.

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