Bonus update

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hiii! i'm not really sure how many of you still have this in your library (but hello to all you wonderful people who are reading 👋👋) but here i am, back with another update.

i wasn't really happy with how i wrote about Freddie in the last little update and so i thought i'd torture myself by doing it properly. i've tried to write this as accurately as i can -pls feel free to correct me if you see something that isn't right- and just a little warning that this is going to be a sad one and death is mentioned

thank you for getting this story so far. i love you guys

 i love you guys

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It seems that nighttime is the only time that the Taylor house is completely at peace; all four children tucked up in bed, Pippi's sleeping at her new favourite spot by the fire while Roger and Rebecca enjoy a glass of wine before they too head off to bed.

It's just gone eleven-thirty when Roger hears the familiar creak of their stairs, the fourth one from the bottom, and he turns his head towards the door, hoping that he doesn't disturb Rebecca, who's now dosing on his shoulder.

His brow furrows when he sees that it's Ellie.

"Hey, love," he murmurs as she comes to stand by the couch, "What are you doing up?"

"I can't sleep." she says, sitting herself down on the arm of the couch.

Roger knows what she means. Today was the day that papers had announced to the world that Freddie was suffering from AIDS and while they normally weren't badgered by journalists and people with cameras, there had been a constant flow of activity outside their gate.

"Is something bothering you?" Roger asks softly, kissing the top of her head when she rests it against his free shoulder.

She nods.

"You gotta tell me what it is then," he presses gently, "Can't help if I don't know, can I?"

"I...I have a bad feeling."

Rebecca stirs on his other shoulder, lifting her head at the sound of the little girls' voice, "s'going on?"

Ellie silently moves to sit between them once Rebecca sits up and so Roger answers for her.

"She says she's got a bad feeling about something. She was just about to tell me."

Rebecca pushes some of her hair behind her ear, "Are you feeling sick?"

She shakes her head, "It's about Uncle Freddie. He didn't phone to say goodnight. He always phones on Saturday to say goodnight and-what if something's wrong?"

Roger and Rebecca share a glance.

Their two oldest children weren't stupid. They were old enough to know that something was going on with Freddie, that he was sick but they didn't -at least Becca and Roger didn't think- know just how bad it was.

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