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the gif is just for the kiss, ken?


Roger stared at the phone with a furrowed brow.

She'd hung up on him.

Frustrated, he slammed the receiver back down, which gained the looks of his bandmates.

"What's wrong?" Deaky teased, "She not up for playing along."

He was swiftly silenced by Roger's harsh glare and Brian frowned.

"Rog? What is it?"

He ran his hands through his hair, "She wants to end it. Us?"

"What? Why?"

"I don't know," he began pacing, shaking his head, "She was fine the other night when I rang."

"Did she say anything?" John asked, "Anything odd?"

"No," he said, "She just said that she missed me. That she couldn't wait till we got back. What could have possibly changed in two days?"

"Odd," Freddie said quietly, "You know, Mary had mentioned that she was acting strangely at the party."

The party?

"She cut her finger, didn't she?" Brian shrugged, "That's enough to throw anyone off."

"No," Freddie shook his head, "Mary said it was before the party. Said that it looked as though something was bothering her."

Roger spun to look at the other two, "Well you two were with her that morning."

Deaky slid down in his chair, glancing at Brian.

"What?" Roger asked, "What happened?"

Brian cleared his throat, "The day of the party...we ran into Kerry at the supermarket."

"Kerry?" Roger repeated, "You mean...Kerry?"

"Who's Kerry?" Freddie was confused.

"Kerry is Roger's ex girl-"

"She's not my ex," Roger said loudly, drowning the guitarist out, " was just fun, okay? Well, it was supposed to be but she caught feelings and I didn't. She ended things when-"

"When she walked in on you snogging someone else," Brian said.

Roger glared at him, "Yeah, thanks for that, Bri. The point is, Kerry and I, we weren't anything. I made that quite clear when we left for the uni circuit. It was just sex."

"And what about Rebecca?" Freddie asked curiously, taking a sip of wine, "Is that just sex?"

"No," Roger said softly, "No. There's something about her. You all know that. I see something with her. Something long term, y'know?"

"Saw something you mean," John sniggered, taking a sip of his own drink, narrowly avoiding being hit by a beer bottle.

"Rog, calm down!" Brian said loudly.

"You should have told me," Roger yelled, "Why didn't you?"

"I didn't think I needed to! It's not as if they had a conversation. There were introductions and that was it. Right, Deaky?"

He nodded silently - not wanting to risk getting another bottle lobbed at him.

Roger fell down into the closest chair and sighed. He wasn't going to let it end not like this. Rebecca didn't want that, he could hear it in her voice when she spoke to him.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now