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i can actually hear this gif.

you guys are fantastic! i promise that the story will get a little more exciting but i just love writing roger fluff


"What time did Rebecca say she'd get here?"

Everyone was at Freddie's house for a small party to celebrate his birthday. Well, everyone except for Rebecca. She had swapped shifts with Mary so she could come for the beginning of the event with her father and she'd come around when she finished.

"She'll be here soon, Deaky," Roger said, looking at his watch then over to his friend, who was sitting on the other side of the table with Hannah, "You know, should I be worried that you seem to be obsessed with my girlfriend? This is the third time you've asked me."

"I'm hungry!" he protested, making Hannah laugh, "I haven't eaten since breakfast!"

"That's your own fault," Roger shrugged, "She'll be here soon. She finished half an hour ago. But honestly, Freddie, she told me to tell you not to wait for her to eat."

The birthday boy finally gave in, having had enough of both John and Brian's complaining.

Though Brian did look to deep in conversation with Freddie's father to even listen to the others as Mrs Bulsara comes through carrying a couple of dishes and John, ever the gentleman offers to help her and once he's placed another few delicious smelling dishes down on the table, he sits back down and everyone digs in.

The food is delicious and the atmosphere around the table is bright; the conversation is flowing between Roger, John and Hannah while Freddie's father is in another with Brian and Mary is translating stories from her father for Kash, who is grinning.

There's a knock at the door a little while later and Freddie's mum gets up to answer it.

"That'll be Rebecca," Freddie tells her as she passed him, pressing a kiss to her cheek before he sits down in the open seat next to Mary.

Roger stands as Rebecca enters the room, giving her a kiss on the cheek in greeting (he knows she'd want to keep it modest around all of these people) and she laughed when a loud finally! comes from John.

Introductions are made and afterwards, Rebecca is picking from Roger's plate as they listen to Freddie's mum gush about how nice it is for Forrokh to bring home a nice girl like Mary.

"Farrokh?" Mary asks and even though she's trying to listen to the story of Freddie's family, Rebecca's being distracted by the two men she's sat with and Hannah.

But when the photo albums come out, that's when she leaves Roger's side, moving around the table to perch herself on the edge of Brian's chair and he wordlessly puts his arm around her to keep her from falling as they look at the pictures of baby Fred.

"Aw, Freddie! You were so cute!" she grinned but she's drowned out by the sound of the piano and both her and Brian look up to see that it's Freddie and he's singing Happy Birthday to himself to drown it all out.

Such a Freddie thing to do she thinks, handing the album to Deaky and she returns to the vacant chair beside Roger, smiling at him when he links their fingers together under the table.

"I thought Freddie was born in London." John muses, flipping over a page and Kash laughs.

"He was. At the age of eighteen!"

Rebecca takes another photo album when Deaky passes it over the table, placing it on her legs so both she and Roger can look at it.

Then, she freezes and looks at him with wide eyes.

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