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As much as Rebecca didn't want to let her go, she had to let the nurses do their jobs and take the baby to get cleaned up and checked over properly.

Roger goes with them, following them over to the little area they've got set up in the room while the doctor tends to Rebecca.

He just can't seem to take his eyes off of her. That's his daughter.

"She's got a set of lungs on her, hm?" Maggie says and Roger can't help but laugh. 

She certainly has. 

They measure her, weigh her and once they're certain that everything is as it should be, they wrap her up in a blanket, put a little hat on her head and Roger follows once more as they take her back over to Rebecca. 

"Here we go, mum," Maggie smiles but Rebecca shakes her head and looks at Roger. 

"I think her dad should hold her first." 

Roger's mouth drops slightly but he doesn't argue, slowly sitting down in his chair, holding out his arms. He tried to not let it show but he was nervous. Yeah, he's held babies before, well, he's held Charlotte but this was different. This was his baby. 

Baby Taylor looks even smaller in Roger's arms, tucked securely against his chest as she quietens down and Rebecca feels herself getting emotional once more. 

She can't believe that she's here. In a matter of minutes, they'd gone from expectant parents to Mum and Dad. 

God, they were parents and now, this tiny baby now relied solely on the two of them. 

Roger looks down at the baby, foolishly thinking that he'd be able to keep it together but then his daughter opened her eyes and his breath caught in his throat.

They're the exact same shade as her mum's and he too started sniffling - she was theirs. 

"Look at her, Bex." he says, voice thick, "Just look at did that." 

"We did that." 


Rebecca wakes from her nap to see Roger still sat in his chair, still holding their daughter to his chest. 

He looks deep in thought but quickly snaps out of it when she starts fussing in his arms. 

"Hey," he soothes, shushing her, "What's wrong, love? Are you getting hungry now? When mummy's asleep?" 

It's been almost eight hours since she gave birth and in that time, she'd managed to slip in a quick half hour nap since Roger was holding the baby. Before that, they had spent a lot of time learning how their baby liked to be cradled, trying to get her to feed but she wasn't for it. Though Rebecca was hoping that was about to change. 

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