one hundred and six

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After the release of their album, The Works, the band made the decision that Queen would be put on the back burner for a little while which let the four of them concentrate on other projects that they had going on.

It was weird that they weren't going to see each other as often as they're used to. They love each other, they do - they're a family. But they've been together for a long time now and they want to explore other things.

As a result of their little...escapade with Roger's costume from the video, Rebecca was pregnant again but this time, they were having twins. Twins.

And since they were having two babies, both Rog and Rebecca thought that it would be best that they find out the genders as soon as they could. Which is why they were sat in the waiting room.

"What do you reckon?" he asks, flicking through a pregnancy pamphlet as if he hasn't read them all already, "Boys or girls?"

"Boys," she grins, rubbing her stomach, "Just got a feeling."

"Yeah?" his eyes light up, "Was hoping you'd say that."

The two look up at the sound of her name being called, seeing a nurse with fiery red hair standing with a clipboard.

And so Roger and Rebecca make their way down to the ultrasound room, where Rebecca already knows the drill, hopping up onto the bed while Roger grabs one of the wheely stools.

"Morning you two," Katie grins as she makes her way into the room, closing the door and removing her lab coat.

"Morning," they reply and she laughs when she sees that Rebecca already has her shirt pushed up, ready for the scan.

"You've done this before," she jokes and Roger takes hold of his wife's hand, pressing a soft kiss to the back of it, "Now, before we start. Any problems? Feeling alright?"

"Had a little bit of morning sickness but that's normal, right?"

"Unfortunately, yes," she frowns, "I'll give you something that can hopefully settle your stomach a little bit."

"Thank you."

Rebecca stares up at the ceiling as Katie gets herself set up, "So, we're looking to see what we're having today, is that right?"

Roger nods eagerly.

"Two girls, Roger," Katie hums, grabbing the instrument that she'll use, "Hoping for little boys?"

"It'll even out the playing field, won't it?" he shrugs.

Rebecca giggles, trailing her hand over his cheek as the Katie begins the scan, "I think he's had enough makeovers and tea parties to last him a lifetime."

Katie gives them a warm smile, looking back down at the screen as she presses a couple of buttons before turning it towards them, "We'll just have a little look and listen first."

Their babies are perfectly healthy and upon hearing that, Rebecca lets herself relax back onto the uncomfortable bed like thing as Roger presses a soft kiss to her hairline, "Hear that, love? Perfectly healthy."

"Heartbeats are strong," Katie mumbles, pushing another button on the equipment so they can hear and Rebecca closes her eyes. She doesn't think she'll ever get used to hearing that.

"Alright," Katie smiles, looking down at the two of them, "Are we sure that we're wanting to know?"

Rebecca looks at Roger, who's already looking at her and raises an eyebrow, silently asking him even though she already knows the answer.

"Yeah," they said simultaneously.

Katie picks up Rebecca's file and skims down it until she gets to the bit that tells them what they're having, giving the two of them another smile before looking at Roger, "You might want to prepare yourself for a lot more makeovers."

"No," his mouth falls open, "Girls?"

Katie nods, "Two girls, Roger."

"Jesus Christ."

For a horrifying second, Rebecca thinks that he's upset. She knows how much he wants a baby boy and she hesitantly looks up at him to see that he's looking at the screen again with the same love and adoration that he had for both Ellie and Heather and knowing him as well as she does, she knows that he's going to cry.

"Girls," he repeats, covering his face with his hands, "Girls, Becca. We're having-"

He stops himself speaking and just wraps his arms around her as she sits up, hiding his face in the crook of her neck, sniffling into her warm skin.

There was the waterworks.


That afternoon, after picking up Ellie and Heather from Freddie and Jim's, Roger makes them all something to eat while Ellie plays in the back garden with Pippi and Rebecca sits at the kitchen table with Heather on her lap, attempting to tame the wild strands of her fair hair while the little one is scribbling on a piece of paper.

"I don't know where she gets those curls from, love," he muses, "Something you're not telling me?"

Rebecca tuts, "Don't be ridiculous, Roger."

He grins and moves to the back door, calling for Ellie to come in and get something to eat.

The little girl comes bounding in, swiftly followed by Pippi who's claws slip on the wooden floor and causes her to crash into Roger's legs and he steps over the dog to place Ellie's sandwich down on the table in front of her, ruffling her hair as he passes by.

Heather giggles as Rebecca helps her eat her sandwich and Roger leans against the counter to watch. In just over six months, there will be two new additions to the family, two more beautiful baby girls. 

If you'd have asked him ten years ago if he wanted anything remotely like this, he'd have probably said no.

But of course, he met the love of his life and of course, his plans had changed. 

Now he couldn't imagine his life without them. 

"Ellie," Rebecca's stern voice brings him out of his thoughts, seeing their daughter looking rather sheepish with Pippi sat by her side. 

"Sorry," she giggles, "But it's her favourite!"

"Everything's her favourite," Roger muses, "How about this? If you don't feed her, you can give her a treat."

Ellie nods eagerly as he joins them at the table and everything is quiet until Heather knocks over Rebecca's glass of water, causing her to start crying, Pippi to start barking and Roger scrambling to try and get a cloth. 

Yeah, he wouldn't change this for anything


oh look, rebecca is pregnant again. i know that it may seem like age always is but i promise that it's only like that due to the hella big time skips i'm putting in, ken? 😂

this chapter is a little bit iffy. i don't know how i really feel about. might go back and edit if i remember

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