twenty eight

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The phone ringing was what woke her up once more and Rebecca, who'd fallen asleep on the couch again, sprung up to answer it.

"Roger?" she hoped.

But it wasn't.

"Sorry," Brian replied, "It's me. And I'm sorry for ringing so late but Roger won't go to bed because-"

"He said he'd phone when you got to Glasgow." Rebecca finished, "It's okay, Bri. You can put him on."

"He's pretty wasted," he warned, "But-Roger!"

"Rebecca," her boyfriend greeted but she could hear the slightest slur in his voice, "Becca, we're in Glasgow."

"Hey, Rog," she replied softly, pushing some hair from her face, "I'm glad you made it there safe. How was the drive up?"

"Didn't like it," he murmured as Tiffany also woke up, walking across the couch toward Rebecca to get some attention, "There was another woman on the bus. Brian's friend."

"She wasn't my friend!" she heard Brian call from somewhere in the background.

"You invited her," Roger replied, while she stayed silent. "She kept touching me, Bex; my hair, my necklaces. I told her that you're the only one who gets to do that. No one else," his voice had gotten quieter now, softer and she could tell that he was on the brink of sleep, "Told her I have a girlfriend who I care about very much but...she wouldn't listen..."

Rebecca felt her heart start to race, "What do you mean, Rog?"

He didn't reply but she could hear his soft snore, making her sigh and go to hang up.

She'd just have to phone him tomorrow.

But then she heard movement and Brian said her name, making her put the phone back up to her ear, "What is he talking about, Bri? Did she?"

"No!" he said quickly, lowering his voice when Roger groaned into his pillow, "God, no. He wouldn't do that to you, Becca."

"Then what is he talking about?" she asked and it was Brian's turn to sigh.

"She tried. Believe me, she tried - even managed to kiss his cheek."

Rebecca frowned.

"But Hannah snapped."

"Hannah?" she repeated.

"Yeah. She kicked her off the bus when we stopped for the bathroom. We left her in Berwick. I think."

"Jesus," she breathed, "John's girlfriend is harsh."

"He was pushing her away," Brian repeated, wanting to be sure that she knew that nothing that happened, that it was all her and not Roger.

She lay down on the couch, scratching Tiffany's chin, "Why does it feel like whenever you guys go away, shit seems to hit the fan?"

"It's new, Becca," he said softly, "It's new for all of us."

She let out another loud breath, looking at the clock as she sat back up, "Bri, you must be exhausted."

"I am," he admitted, "Gonna go to bed soon."

"Go now," she instructed, making him laugh.

"Okay, mum."

"Goodnight Brian. Make sure that Rog sleeps on his side."

"On it," he whispered, "Goodnight, Rebecca."

"Night Bri."


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