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sometimes i'm brian and sometimes i'm roger. there is no in between. also, thanks for all the love on the last chapter


"I don't know why you bother putting that stuff on," Roger said from where he was sat on his bed.

Rebecca glanced at him in the mirror and shrugged, "It's part of my job, isn't it? Thought I may as well make a bit of an effort with my own make-up."

Months had passed since their uni tour and since then, things seemed to have returned to normal.

"'m just saying," Roger mumbled, finally getting up and it took everything Rebecca had not to let her eyes wander from her own reflection. He pulled on his boxers from the night before and came over to kiss her cheek, "You don't need it."

She pursed her now red lips and turned her head to look at him, "Shut up and tell me it looks good."

"It looks cracking," he agreed, leaning in for a proper kiss but she turned her head so he got her cheek again, "Very beautiful."

"Thank you," she smiled, "But you'll smudge it and I don't have time to do it again. I need to get going."

"Are you sure you can't come to Freddie's later on?" he asked, following her out into the living room where she was grabbing her bag, "He says he's got some big plan."

"I can't," she replied as he disappeared into the bathroom and she heard him turn the shower on, "I have to stay late but you'll fill me in when you pick me up, right? Okay, I'm definitely leaving now!"

Roger came back through with just a towel wrapped around his waist, grinning when he saw her eyes flicker downwards for a brief second and he stepped closer, puckering his lips ever so slightly.

"Goodness sake," she giggled, leaning over his armchair to give him the kiss that she knew he was wanting, "I'll see you later, Rog."


Mary was already at the shop when she got there, sorting through the delivery that had come in earlier that morning and after dumping her stuff into the locker room, Rebecca joined her on the shop floor.

"It's been quiet," Mary sighed, "I reckon you might get that book finished today."

"Well I believe I only have two chapters left," she mused, "So here's hoping."

Dead was the correct word for it. Normally, she'd be doing people's make-up from the moment she clocked in but today, it just seemed like no one was in the mood to shop. The fact that the heavens had decided to open probably wasn't helping things either.

"Say," she said quietly, "What's this big plan Freddie's got? Roger was talking about it earlier."

"I'll tell you," Mary smiled, straightening a shirt on a mannequin, "If you tell me what I want to know."

Rebecca rolled her eyes, not looking up from where she was sorting her make-up brushes. Mary had been trying to get details of her relationship with Roger but she wouldn't partake in it. She believed that some things should be private. Her sex life is one of them.

"I'm not doing this," she sang, "How about you just tell me what I want to know?"

"I'll tell you if you tell me."

"Mary," she laughed, "No. I'm not telling you what he's like in bed."

"I need to know," she practically begged, "You know, Roger has probably told the boys."

"Then ask Freddie." Rebecca shrugged and Mary picked up another pile of shirts.

"Fine. Then I won't tell you about Freddie's plan."

Rebecca laughed again as she disappeared to put the shirts on the shelves.

She'd find out soon enough."


When six rolled around, she and Bethany, another girl who worked with them, were more than happy to get out of there.

It had been one of the longest shifts in her life and she just wanted to go home and get some dinner.

When she realised that it was still raining, she took a peek out of the window to see if Roger's van was there, frowning when she saw it wasn't.

She'd just have to wait under the cover of the doorway.

"Is he here?" Bethany asked, watching as she locked the door behind them, "If not, I can wait with you."

"Don't be silly," Rebecca said, "Thank you for offering but you go. He won't be long."

"Well, if you're sure." she hesitated, "I'll see you Monday."

She stood for maybe ten minutes, wishing that she'd brought a coat with her and she hummed to herself until she saw a figure heading toward her. She perked up when she realised that it was Roger but was confused to see that he was carrying an umbrella with him. Had he walked here? She waved, stepping out into the rain to go meet him.

"Little late," Roger said in greeting, leaning down to give her a kiss, "Apologies. I underestimated how long it'd take me."

"I'm very confused," she said, holding the umbrella when he held it out to her, "Where's the van? Has it broken down again?"

"The van's gone," he huffed, shrugging the denim jacket he was wearing from his shoulders and her mouth fell open, "I've sold it."

"You're kidding."

He shook his head and draped the jacket over her shoulders, taking the umbrella back so she could put it on properly, "No, I'm not."


"We're not getting anywhere with uni gigs," he explained as they started walking, her arm wrapped around his, "And Freddie said we'd get a good price for it. With that money and what we all make at work, he reckons we could get some studio time."

"Studio time?" she repeated, "Roger, that's brilliant! You're recording an album, babe!"

"Going to be recording an album," he corrected, "Still gotta find a place first but Freddie's already calling around. Shouldn't take too long."

"I could always phone Jere..." she trailed off when she saw that he was shaking his head before she could even finish her suggestion. 

"No. Not a chance. Bex, the guy treated you like shit. Besides, John shut that down when Brian suggested it. Said we won't give that wanker our money because of the way he was with you."

She felt a warmth in her chest. Sometimes she forgot just how much the boys in the band cared about her.

"I'm gonna miss that van," he said softly, "Never even got to shag you in it." 

"Roger!" she squeaked, flushing bright red since he chose to say that at the exact moment an older couple walked by them, the man looking over his shoulder to glare at them, "God, you're embarrassing." 


just a little filler

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