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wanna take a wee second to appreciate the actual roger taylor because he truly is beautiful


The atmosphere in the pub was contagious. It seemed as though every student in the nearby areas had all crammed into the tiny building. Rebecca couldn't believe that it was all for one local band and apparently, neither could Brian.

"It's mad in there," he said as he came out the back. Everybody else was inside except for Rebecca, who had come out for a quick smoke.

"Is Brian May nervous?" she teased, joining him where he was sat in that back of Roger's van.

"I am," he nodded, "And Deaky's in there looking like he's gonna throw up."

"Why though?" Rebecca asked, "You guys are amazing. And you're going on tour!"

"It's a university tour. Brian laughed, "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

She reached back into the van, grabbing a couple of cans of beer that she knew Roger kept in the vehicle - in case of an emergency he said.

"Everyone's gotta start somewhere, Bri," she said, "You guys are going to be big. I can see it now; Madison Square Garden, Wembley. Queen in big, bright letters."

"You're mad Rebecca Jackson," he said, shaking his head with a smile on his face.

"I'm telling you!" she laughed, "And when it does happen, you can buy me a house."

"You've got yourself a deal," Brian nodded and she held up her can.

"To Queen," she cheered, "The greatest band to come out of the UK."

"One of the biggest," he corrected, "I don't think we'll top The Beatles."

"I'll give you that," she nodded, tapping her can lightly against his and they both looked to the door of the pub as it swung open.

"There you are!" Roger said loudly, "Come on, we're on in a bit. What the hell are you two doing?"

"Having a heart to heart," Rebecca joked, wiping off the back of her skirt as she stood, catching the keys to the van when Brian threw them to her.

"Really?" Roger hissed, glaring at Brian who gave his shoulder a light pat as he passed by him, "Now?"

"What can I say? She's easy to talk to."

He looked back to where Rebecca was double checking to see that the van was locked, holding out an arm when she turned to smile at him, "Come on, love."

She eagerly went to him, allowing him to take her hand in his larger one.

Roger led her through the crowd to the side of the stage where Mary, Sophie and the rest of the band were and Rebecca could feel the envious stares of all the young women that they passed and all she could do was grin.

"Okay," Freddie murmured, "Are we ready?" 

The other three nodded and started getting their instruments together and Roger turned to look down at Rebecca, "Kiss for good luck?" 

She eagerly stood up on her tip-toes and pressed a kiss to his lips, giggling when she started to pull away as Roger's hand wound into her hair, keeping her where she was. 

"Roger!" Freddie snapped, "Let's go!" 


They're taking a twenty-minute break when it happens. 

Roger's still at his drums, adjusting the cymbals from where he's been hitting them a little too hard and his head snaps up when he hears Rebecca's laugh all the way from across the pub. 

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