forty nine

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Sometimes, if he wakes up before her, Roger just likes to watch Rebecca sleep. He knows that if she ever caught him, he'd never hear the end of it and so he's sneaky.

Today is one of those mornings.

She looks so peaceful when she sleeps; she's curled up next to him, leg slung over his waist and still gloriously naked after their lovemaking last night and he takes the time to admire the way her lips purse slightly when she's sleeping, the way her hair falls just ever so slightly over her eyes. His gaze travels down to where the blankets have been kicked off and sees the countless love bites he's left.

On her hips, there are some light bruises from where he's held her just a little bit too tight but he knows she won't mind - the bite marks and scratches she's left on his shoulders and back would make up for it.

He stares at her for a while longer before he decides to get up. There's something he needs to do and there's only one person who can help him.

Slowly, he lifts her leg and slips out from underneath her.

She's still out when he comes out of the bathroom from having a shower and he quickly gets dressed before leaving her a note saying that he'll be back soon and then he silently leaves the hotel room and makes his way down to Freddie's hotel room, knocking loudly on the door. There's a good chance he's still asleep but he doesn't care.

He hears some shuffling around before the door flies open and Freddie glares at him, "This had better be good, darling. It's nine thirty in the morning and I am nursing a bitching hangover."

"I need your help with something."

"Can't you ask Deaky?" he asks, pinching the bridge of his nose, "He didn't come out with us either. He'd be a much better help than I."

"I need help picking out a ring."

Obviously, that gets Freddie's attention and his eyes narrow, "What kind of ring?"

Roger sighed, "Look, Fred, can I at least come in? Don't really want to discuss this in the corridor."

Freddie stepped aside, "Alright, fine."

He stepped into his room and sat on the couch, shaking his head when his friend offered him a cup of tea.

"So," Freddie began, "A ring you say?"


"And is this ring for Rebecca?"

"For Christ sake. Yes. Who else is it going to be for? Mary?"

"I was only asking!" he smiled, all signs of teasing gone from his face, "You're going to ask her to marry you?"

"I am," Roger beams back at him, "I'm going to ask Rebecca to marry me."

Freddie shakes his head, reaching over to pat him on the back, "I'm happy for you, Rog."

He taps a beat on his knee, "She will say yes, won't she?"

"I cannot believe you're asking me that, darling. Of course she'll say yes! The woman is in love with you!" When Freddie stands up, Roger does too and the singer puts his hand on his shoulder, "You're beautiful together."

Roger doesn't really know why he even asked that. Of course she'll say yes.

"Give me half an hour to get ready and then we'll go." Freddie says as he heads for the bathroom, "Oh, and Rog?"


"You're buying me breakfast."


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