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Is this the real life...

The first time Rebecca heard Bohemian Rhapsody on the radio, she almost started crying. Sure, she's heard their songs being played before but knowing how hard they worked on it, how hard they'd had to fight for it to be released as their first single of A Night at the Opera, it just made it feel that little bit more special.

The day she hears that it's gone to number one, she does cry. The critics weren't too impressed; according to one paper it was 'a song that should be sunk to the bottom of the sea and never heard from again'. And to hear that despite everything, they'd topped the U.K singles charts...she couldn't believe it. Apparently, neither did the band because she got a phone call from Roger an hour later saying that they'd just been freed from a lift. Which they had broke from jumping up and down at the news.

And a few weeks later (while Bo Rhap was still at the number one spot) A Night at the Opera was released and that too, shot straight to number one.

And yes, it was all exciting; there was parties, radio interviews, television interviews but both Rebecca and Roger crashed back to reality when they realised that the day had come.

They had to tell Morag that they were getting married. They'd told Roger's family, who were in one word, delighted. Winnie had said she was wondering how long it would take for her son to pop the question before she started gushing about how beautiful Rebecca was going to look as a bride.

Something told her that her mother wasn't going to react in quite the same way and the night before, Rebecca had kept Roger awake with all of her tossing and turning. She insisted on going through (out loud) every possible way that the conversation could go tomorrow; she could say some really horrible stuff like she did last time she was here or, she could try and talk them out of it.

"Or," Roger says, not opening his eyes, "Here's a crazy thought, maybe she'll be happy for us."

Rebecca scoffed, "Oh please, that isn't going to happen."

The next day, Roger has a radio interview and although he said it was a morning interview, she gets a phone call at about twelve and he's telling her that it's going to be later than he thought and that she was going to have to entertain her mother on her own till he got there.

He made her promise not to tell her the news till he got there though. He wanted to see the woman's face.

Morag arrives at one and still, Roger isn't back. Rebecca's got the radio on though and is listening out for the presenter announcing that they'll be talking to him.

"I have to say," her mum says once she's got a cup of tea in her hands, "I was a little surprised to get your call. Not that I'm not happy to see you, Rebecca. Just with how things went at Christmas..."

"It was Roger's idea," her daughter tells her and she raised an eyebrow but doesn't get to push the topic any more because Rebecca perks up when the presenter speaks.

"Now joining us on this dreary Tuesday afternoon is none other than Queen's drummer, Mr Roger Taylor. Roger, it's wonderful to have you here."

"Thank you," he says earnestly, "It's lovely to be here."

"Now, let us just jump right into it; four weeks at number one with Bohemian Rhapsody, two with A Night at the Opera. Are you lot still riding the wave that they call success?"

"Of course we are. To be honest, we're still all a little bit shocked at just how well the record is doing. It wasn't exactly set up to be a success. The people at the papers will tell you that."

"Ah, yes. There were some rather unpleasant reviews. Particularly about Bohemian Rhapsody."

Rebecca can picture Roger shrugging, knowing that he has to keep his replies calm and civil, "You can't please everyone, I suppose."

"Surely it can't be easy to hear people saying that. How do you stop it from getting to you?"

"Of course it isn't easy," Roger answers, "But we've got each other if things get too much. I know I can always count on the boys. We have friends and of course, I've got Rebecca."

She leans forward at the sound of her name as does Morag and of course, the host of the program jumps at the chance of getting the gossip.

With the rise in Queen's popularity, of course there's been an increase in photos being taken for newspapers and an interest in their personal lives for the gossip magazines. Rebecca's been papped for a few, pressed up against Roger as they make their way through crowds but other than that, there isn't really that much written about their relationship and that's the way Roger likes it.

The host goes on to ask questions about their relationship; how did they meet, how long have they been together, stuff like that and Roger politely answers but keeps them short.

Morag watches her daughter as she listens to Roger's voice; watches her lips twitch when he says something funny, eyebrows furrowed in concentration to hear him over the light static that's coming through the speakers.

"Does Rebecca ever worry about your newfound popularity? Especially amongst the young ladies?

Rebecca frowns and she can picture Roger doing the same as he answers. He doesn't even have to think about it, "No. And she knows she doesn't have to."

That's right. Rebecca thinks. 

"Not even a little bit?"

Why is he pushing this?

"No," Roger repeats and once again, she can hear the growing frustration in his voice. 

"It's just we see a lot of... rockstars if you want to call yourself that, break off their relationships once they find fame because they're getting what they've always wanted. What about yours?"

Rebecca can see Roger glaring at the man, "I don't know about you, but we're stronger than that. To let fame interfere with something so special. You may not know about our relationship, but, I assure you, I got what I wanted long before fame. End of discussion."

That's when Morag Sinclair realises she's got it wrong. Got him wrong. 

And when Roger gets home and Rebecca goes to the door to greet him, she can see how much he loves her. He's wrapping her up in his arms and telling her that he's sorry, that the interviewer was an arsehole who didn't know anything about them and their relationship and how much he loves her. That she's given him everything he didn't know he wanted. 

After hanging up his coat and tossing his keys onto the table, Roger takes a deep breath and turns to her mum with a smile. "Morag," he greets, leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek. He's gotta be charming, "Nice to see you."

"You too Ri-" she stops herself, "Roger."

Rebecca hears from where she is in the kitchen making them all some tea and she almost drops the spoon. 

Roger, he too seems rather surprised but he gives her another smile as he took a seat across from her. 

This was it. 


me walking to the bathroom when i've had a few too many in the club

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me walking to the bathroom when i've had a few too many in the club

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