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The day of the meeting fell on a Thursday and to say that Roger was nervous, was an understatement.

He came into the bedroom to see that Rebecca was now awake and he did a little spin to show her the outfit he'd picked, "What do you think?"

"Button that up," she scolds, gesturing to the shirt he's wearing as she got up from the bed, "Honestly, Roger. That might work on the girls but not for hotshot executives. You have to look professional."

"Okay," he muses, playing along with her as she buttons it up for him, "What jacket do you think?"

She passed him to look in his wardrobe, inspecting all of the options before picking up one of his favourites; a tan leather jacket.

"Good choice," he nodded, "Why not the denim?"

"Because that's my favourite and I'm going to wear it." she grinned, standing on her toes to kiss him, "I thought the meeting wasn't till later?"

"Two," he hummed, "But I just wanted my fashionista girlfriend's opinion on my outfit."

"I'm hardly a fashionista," she laughed, grabbing some clean clothes from the small case she had brought with her.

That's right, case.

There was something wrong with the water in her flat so until it was fixed, she was staying with Roger.

"You want some breakfast made while you're in the shower?" he asked, following her through from the bedroom.

"That'd be nice," she murmured, "What are you making me?"

He opened the fridge, frowning when he saw that there was nothing in it. He hadn't been to the supermarket in a while.

He didn't even have eggs.

"I can make you some cereal?" he offered, making her laugh and squeeze his arm as she walked by.

"Cereal would be lovely. Thank you."


Both Rebecca and Mary were antsy all the way through their shift; they just wanted to know how the meeting was going and if they were going to be signed but after being pestered by both Freddie and Roger so many times at work, their manager had banned them from coming in during their shifts.

Rebecca was finishing up before Mary and practically skipped out of the back room with a grin on her face while the blonde leant against the counter and scowled.

"Oh calm down," she laughed, "You're only here for another hour and you'll probably get back before I do!"

"I suppose," she sighed, "Go on, get home. Roger'll be waiting for you."

"I'll see you later!" she hollered over her shoulder as she exited the building.

Knowing that Roger had nothing in his fridge, Rebecca stopped at a supermarket on her way home and picked up some things for a simple stir-fry for dinner.

One of Roger's neighbours held the door open for her and she thanked him before heading to the door of his flat.

She wouldn't admit it, but she absolutely adored coming back to his place after work. Well, no, she adored coming back to him being there. There was something just so wonderful about pushing the door open to see him either pottering about in the kitchen or lying on the couch.

"I'm back!" she called, spotting his jacket draped over the chair and he popped his head around the kitchen door.

"Hey," he greeted, a smile on his face as he came forward to give her a kiss and she let out a squeal when he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her from the ground.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now