forty eight**

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Rebecca isn't sure that touring is for her.

Yes, she loves being able to travel with her friends and Roger, loves being able to see all these different places that before, she could only dream of but god, it's exhausting.

And she feels rotten even thinking this, but it is. The constant moving around from place to place, the time stuck on buses and planes and the not being able to sleep from people snoring on the bus.

It's tiring.

And she doesn't even do anything to deserve feeling this way. Compared to the band, who go out every night and give it all to each and every show, she does nothing. She does hair and makeup for them and then gets to sit and relax backstage or in the wings.

It's not like touring in the UK. There's vast distances to cover and different time zones that wreak havoc with her body clock, even if it is just an hours difference.

Roger doesn't really realise the toll it's having on her until they're in Waterbury, Connecticut, in some club that's playing music with a thumping bass line and she still somehow manages to fall asleep and he doesn't notice that she has until her drink, which she was still holding, spills onto his white dress shirt.

He feels immensely guilty. He's her boyfriend and is supposed to take care of her but he's been too wrapped up in this bubble of being a rockstar to notice.

So, the next night, the night of the gig, when she's about to start getting ready, he catches her before she can disappear into the bathroom for her shower.

"Do you want to stay here tonight?" he asks, reaching out to push some hair behind her ear.

"What?" she breathes, frowning, "No. I'm gonna come I-"

"You're exhausted, love." he whispers, "Fell asleep on us twice last night."

"I was just resting my eyes."

"Rebecca," he laughed, "The next table heard your snoring."

He winced when she smacked his arm, "I don't snore!"

"I'm kidding," he murmured, pulling her into his chest, "But you do. Just little cute ones though."

Huffing, she dropped her head to his shoulder, "I don't want to miss your show."

"It's okay to miss one." he tells her, "Hannah's still here so she can help us get ready."

"The last time Hannah did your makeup you yelled at her. Can't do that this time."

Laughing, he nuzzles his nose into her hair, "I know. I won't."


"I promise."

"What will I even do?" she pouts and he turns her around and walks her into the bathroom, where he wraps his arms around her middle.

"You could have a bubble bath?" he murmurs, "There's some stuff under the sink there. Or you could order some room service. Treat yourself a little bit?"

"But the guys-"

"Will understand," he promises, kissing her cheek.

She did feel awful about missing out on a gig but the thought of having a bath in the large tub and then having that huge bed to herself for a while was very, very tempting.

"Alright," she finally relents, "You've convinced me. Will of you be going out afterwards?"

He shrugs, "Might have a couple but I won't be out long."

"Roger," she laughs, "If you want to stay out, that's fine. You know I don't mind." She presses a kiss to his lips for good luck, even though she knows that doesn't need it, "You'd better go. Mr May will murder you if you're late."

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