seventy seven

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Rebecca woke on the morning of her birthday to Roger trailing his fingers across her back, causing her to shiver and let out a sigh.

Now that he knew that she was awake, he leans down to sprinkle kisses to her skin; across her shoulders, up her neck, until he's at her ear, "Happy birthday, beautiful."

From where she's laying on her stomach, she turns her head to look at him while yawning and stretching her arms out in front of her, "Thank you."

"Now, we have three options," he murmurs as she rolls onto her back, "One, I can go make you some chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. Two, I can get you one of your presents. Or three, we stay put and have some incredible morning sex."

Rebecca hums, wrapping her arms around his neck to bring him closer, "Why not all three? It is my birthday after all."

"I was hoping you'd say that," he grins, leaning down so he can kiss her softly but she pulls back when she realises that he's brushed his teeth and he shrugs when she raises an eyebrow, "Was waiting for you to wake up."

"Mhmm," she hums, "Sure."

He kisses her to silence her, making her smile. "Shut up," he whispers, "And let me love on you."

As his lips move down her neck, he takes his time. As bad as it is to say, it's been far too long since they've had any time together. Any intimacy has always been quick make-outs between Roger's meetings or recording sessions because no matter how much he wants to stay with his wife, Rebecca will not keep him away from work for too long.

Just as he begins sucking a mark onto her neck, her stomach rumbles and he unable to help himself, he laughs and pulls away, seeing that her face has gone red, "Way to ruin the mood, love."

"I'm sorry," she covers her face, "But ever since you mentioned pancakes...please, Roger?"

"Honestly woman," he rolls off of her, "Trying to make love to you and all you can think about is food." He gives her one last kiss before heading for the bedroom door.

"Wait, Roger!" she whines, pathetically reaching out a hand as if that's going to stop him but he ignores her, making her huff and fall back down onto the bed.



Today was the one day that Rebecca said that Roger could spoil her. Today and Christmas because Christmas is her holiday.

And he intended to do just that. He had a couple of things up his sleeve.

As she's eating the pancakes he made her -and pouting- he slips back into the bedroom to get his first gift for her.

It's sappy, he'll admit that right off the bat. Something he'd never normally do but Hannah has told him that day in the studio that she had some photos from their wedding and reception and he suddenly had an idea.

So in his wardrobe, up on the top shelf since she can't reach, he brings down the rather large square gift, which is perfectly wrapped - also thanks to Hannah.

She's still pouting into her pancakes when he returns back through and when he stands beside her, she doesn't so much as look at him, which makes him laugh. 

"Do you want your present?" he asks, waving it in front of her and he grins when her eyes light up.

She may say that she doesn't like it when he buys her things but he knows she's lying.

When she reaches for it, he moves it back, pouting his lips slightly when she glares at him,
"Kiss first."

She gives him what he wants and he lowers the book into her hands once more and she happily leaves her pancakes to go sit on the couch.

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