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Rebecca was thrilled to say that her first time meeting Roger's family went significantly better than his meeting with her mum.

On the twenty-eighth of December, the young couple hopped onto a train to King's Lynn. 

"Are you nervous?" Roger asked as she kept her gaze on the scenery that was flying past the window. 

She shrugged, "I just want them to like me, y'know?" 

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders which made her finally look at him, his forehead lightly pressing against her own, "They will." 

"I hope so." 

The train ride was over quicker than Rebecca would have liked. She wanted more time to prepare herself but once they had gotten off, Roger had managed to get them a taxi impressively quick.

She gripped his hand tightly, listening as he pointed out places of interest; his old school, the park that he and his mates used to frequent and she listened to the stories he had too, resting her head on his shoulder as she did so, nuzzling her face into the soft fur of his coat. 

"We're almost there," he grinned as the driver took a right off of the main street and Rebecca felt the butterflies that were in her stomach multiply tenfold. 

What if they didn't like her?

Releasing a breath, she let go of his hand for just a moment so she could wipe them on her skirt. God, she was a nervous wreck.

Roger, of course, noticed and he thought that it was incredibly sweet that she looked so nervous and in an attempt to calm her, he pressed his lips to her forehead. 

"They'll love you," he promised, "Just as much as I do." 

Finally, the car came to a stop outside the sweetest little cottage. It was nestled between two larger homes with a thatch roof and cutest little garden she'd ever seen. 

Roger climbed out as the front door opened with Rebecca following more slowly and she watched as a young woman who looked scarily like Roger came running out. She must be his sister.

"Roger!" she cheered, throwing her arms around his neck, laughing when he lifted and twirled her around. 

"Alright, Clare?" he asked, grinning at her when he put her down. 

Rebecca hung nervously by the taxi, wringing her hands together as an older woman, quite obviously his mother, emerged from the house, soft smile on her face as she embraced her son tightly.

"We've missed you, sweetheart." his mum said quietly, hands framing his face so she could get a good look at him, "Goodness, you've changed." 

Clare cleared her throat, nodding to where Rebecca was still stood, "Aren't you going to introduce us?" 

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