one hundred and four

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"Brian, if you don't sit still, I swear to god-"


To be fair, he's been quite good while she's been trying to wrestle curlers into his already curly hair but these last few, he's just had enough.

"Brian, will you sit still!"

"You're pulling my fucking hair out, Becca!"

"No swearing in front of the children, darlings!"

Both of them look to the door when Freddie enters; in his arms, is Brian and Alice's little one, Halley (after the comet) who has just turned one. Behind him, trails the other Queen children; six-year-old Charlotte, Ellie and Harry who are both four and then right at the back, holding onto Harry's hand, is Rebecca and Roger's second daughter, Heather, who is two.

He's like the pied piper of children. They're all just drawn to him.

So much has changed in the last four years; obviously, Rebecca had given birth Alice and Brian got married and started a family of their own, the band have gone on to release a couple more albums, one of which was the soundtrack to the movie Flash Gordon and the other, was Hot Space.

They don't really like to talk about Hot Space.

Now, it was '84 and they were on the set of their new music video for the song I Want to Break Free.

The idea for the video came from Roger, who suggested that the band dress up in drag - a play on Coronation Street if you will and that is why Brian May was currently sitting in front of her cursing her existence.

"Last one," Rebecca promises as Brian takes Halley from Freddie, bouncing her on his knee and she doesn't have the heart to tell him to hold still again so instead, she turns her attention to Freddie, "Fred, could you please go get changed? Roger should be out of wardrobe by now."

Her husband had been in the makeup chair but when she was distracted for a couple of minutes by Ellie tugging on her shirt, he disappeared off to wardrobe so instead of waiting and holding everyone up, she just grabbed hold of Brian and got his hair done instead.

"In a moment, Rebecca. I just want to take a photo of this moment. And Deaky. Where is Deaky?"

"He's getting his old lady makeup done," Brian snickers.

"Done!" Becca announces proudly, turning around so she can grab the hairnet she has to put  him so he doesn't ruin her work but by the time she turns back around, she just sees Brian shepherding the children out of the area, "Goddammit Brian."

She has nothing really to do now until Roger's done in wardrobe. She doesn't even know what his 'character' is going to be, he wanted it to be a surprise.

While she waits, she tests out some of her new shades of lipstick.

When Roger does finally stumble out of wardrobe, Rebecca's not really surprised that out of all of the things that are probably available, he went for the schoolgirl outfit.

He's not got his wig on yet (but he has for some reason got his wig-cap on), nor his shirt and so he looks slightly strange in just a skirt and tights but as he grins at her, she shakes her head and laughs.

"What?" he asks, spinning around, "I think it's looking good."

"That skirt takes me back," she giggles, turning around to work out what shades would suit him best and it isn't long until he wraps his arms around her, "Yes?"

"Takes you back, hm?" he asks, running his lips up her neck, "Were you a naughty schoolgirl, love?"

"Roger," she warns, "Stop-I have to get you-"

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