sixty five

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"Are you sure you want me to do this?"


"Positive? Because once I do it, there's no going back."

"I know that Rebecca and yes, I want you to do this."

Roger's watching amusedly over his newspaper as Rebecca holds a section of John's hair between a pair of scissors.

"Can I just point out," she stalls again, making the two of them groan, "That I do not have training for this."

"You did Freddies!"

"Honestly, I think that was just sheer luck that it came out looking as good as it did. And that was only one time."

"You're doing Roger's too," John points out.

"We'll see. Let's see what you end up looking like first," the blonde hums, clearing his throat when Rebecca pins a glare on him, "I'm sure it'll look great, love."

She gives him a sarcastic smile in return before looking at the back of John's head again, "Why are you cutting it that short anyway?"

He shrugged, "Fancied a change, I guess. And the baby's due any time now an-"

"He doesn't want them tugging at it," Hannah said as she came into the living room, closely followed by Mary, who was staying at the Deacon residence temporarily.

John was right, Hannah was huge and honestly, there was a good chance that she could go into labour right now, something that had everyone on edge - especially her husband, with good reason.

Roger leapt up from his seat to let Hannah sit, helping her down before Mary handed her a cup of tea, "You must be relieved at the chance of a break from this one and his protectiveness."

"I am," she sighed, "John, I love you but you are driving me mad. I'm glad the boys are taking you out tonight."

They were indeed. Freddie called it one last hurrah before Deaky became in his words, a dull and boring father.

"I still don't think this is a good idea," the bassist piped up, looking up at Becca when she moved to stand in front of him to make sure his hair was even, "Love, you could go into labour at any time."

"Oh, not this again," Hannah grumbled.

"I agree with John," Mary said, "Going out so close to the due date is really risky."

"Thank you!" John yelled while Hannah glared at their friend.

"What are you doing? Don't ruin this for me."

Rebecca laughed but she hoped that the boys would still be going out tonight because she too was looking forward to an evening in the flat alone. She had a new face mask to try and a new book to read and she was planning on having a bubble bath.

And if Roger was home, she'd never get peace.

"John," Hannah murmured, "Love, believe me when I say this; the baby is not coming today. That I promise you."

Rebecca grabbed the mirror and held it up for John to see her progress so far and she could only hope that Hannah could keep her promise.


John's hair turned out looking rather good and Hannah had to do a double take when he walked into the kitchen when Rebecca was done.

That didn't stop him from subconsciously reaching to toy with the ends or run his hands through it when he felt anxious.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now