fifty two

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i have quite a few chapters typed up so y'know what? have another one folks. don't say i'm not good to you lawl


It took Brian a while to recover; and while they were waiting for their bandmate to get back on his feet, Roger and the others threw themselves into preparing for the release of their third album.

There were promo tours, radio interviews and when the album was finally released,
Sheer Heart Attack was a chart success and they were all surprised when it shot to number two in the UK charts.

Brian puts his recovery down to Alice and Rebecca. When he was released from the hospital and was still ridiculously weak and tired, they would be on the first available bus to his flat so they could help make sure he had something to eat, plenty of fluids and of course, so he didn't go stir crazy being there on his own.

It was a long couple of weeks but eventually, he started to feel like his old self again and finally picked up his guitar once more.

And with Brian recovered, the band was invited along to the BBC studios to perform their hit single Killer Queen.

"Excuse me. Sorry, can I just cut through here? Oh, sorry, was that your foot?" Rebecca finally managed to push through the gaggle of background dancers and crew members to get to the stage, where she climbed up to sort Freddie's hair.

"What the fuck are these supposed to be?" they two of them looked over to where Roger was sat behind the drums, drumsticks in hand as he glared at the kit in front of him and when he hits the cymbal again, it lets out a rather dull duh sound, "This is shit."

Alice was hovering close to the other side of the stage next to Brian, watching him in awe as he tuned his guitar and everyone looked up when Paul approached with the production manager, "I need you to explain this to the band, please."

The man looks rather annoyed about being dragged from his little studio room but he sighs and announces to the band that it is going to be playback and all they need to do, is lip sync.

Freddie, who Rebecca thought wasn't listening, tore away from her and jumped down, leaving her arm raised as she was halfway through putting hairspray in his hair.

She moves to stand beside Roger as Freddie gets in the man's face, "You expect me to lip sync?"

"We do know how to play our instruments," Roger comments.

"It's all that's required," the man said, "The audience won't know the difference."

"We'll know the bloody difference," Brian huffed, "I don't understand why we can just simply perform."

"Listen," the man was getting frustrated, "This is the BBC and that's how things are done around here. Don't be a nuisance."

Rebecca rolled her eyes and sorted the tie Roger was wearing.

"This is the BBC," Brian mocked, smiling when he saw that Alice had heard him and was trying to hide her giggling as she was attempting to listen to what Paul was saying, clearing his throat when he sees Rebecca looking at him with a knowing smirk.

"I'm relieved," Deaky smiles and Brian scoffs.

"You would be."

"No, perfect performance."

"We're rolling in sixty seconds," a tannoy crackled to life above them, "Can we have anyone who isn't needed out of shot now."

"That's us," Mary said as she and Freddie climbed onto the stage again.

"Brian," Rebecca hisses, reaching up to sort some of his curls, "Honestly, can I just-"


"Not even a little trim? Just the ends?"

"You're not coming near me with scissors in your hand."

She huffs but leaves him be, kissing Roger on the cheek as she passes by the drum kit, which gets her a wink in return.

"Good luck," she teases, moving out the way when he reaches out to give her bum a smack.
They didn't need luck. They weren't even playing.

She stands on the floor, behind the camera with Alice and Mary and she has to say that it is the most unenthusiastic playing she's ever seen from the band. Roger taps away at his crappy drums and at one point, Rebecca is sure that the camera captures his eye roll when Brian finishes his 'guitar solo'.

"I really wish he'd let me cut it," she whispers, "A little trim."

Alice shakes her head, "I like it the way it is..." She clears her throat when Rebecca gives her a knowing look, "I mean, he'd look strange with it any shorter."

Rebecca hums and lets out a little giggle, "Sure. That's what it is."


As they leave the BBC studios, there's a small group of people waiting for the band at the front doors and when the band stop by the door, they start screaming and chanting their names.

Roger almost walks into John's back when he suddenly stops, looking over his shoulder with a grin on his face, "Wow."

Rebecca and Alice stand on their tiptoes to see over Brian's shoulder, "Wow is right."

"This is new," he mumbles but everyone knows that he's not mad about the fact. How could he be? They're all standing there to try and get a glimpse of them.

"What do we do?" Freddie asked, looking down at Alice, "I mean, this is all new."

"Just go for the car," she instructs as she peers out of the window, "Smile, wave. I see a few expensive looking cameras so they must be from the papers. Don't talk to them."

"Wow," Rebecca hums, "You know a lot about this stuff."

"Paul left me a very strict set of instructions before he left to go back to the label. So please, do as I say so I don't get the sack," she gave them a bright smile before pushing the door open, "Now, smile boys."

Roger lets Brian pass by him, wanting to wait for Rebecca so he can hold her hand and he makes sure that he's walking on the side closest to the crowd, giving them bright smiles and waves.

He's made for this. That's all Rebecca can think as she glances up at him. He's walking with an air of confidence about him, likes he's done this before.

And she's completely in awe.


Freddie suggests that they all head out to eat, to which everyone agrees on and twenty minutes later, they're all sat in a nice little restaurant.

When they've all been given drinks by the waiter, Mary clears her throat and holds up her glass, "To Queen. Long may they reign the album charts."

"I'll drink to that," Roger grins, hitting his glass against Alice's gently.

"Oh, Deaky, we should have phonedHannah and got her down here too!" Freddie says regrettably but John gives him a reassuring smile.

"It's okay, Fred. This second month is really hitting her. She can barely keep anything down."

"Poor Hannah," Rebecca frowns, "Hey, we should do like a girls day soon. Since both you and Alice missed the last one."

John's smile grew, "She'd love that, guys. Really."

Mary slammed her hand against the table, "Then it's settled. Alice, book Wednesday off."

"Why Wednesday?" Brian asked, reaching around Alice to grab the menu.

"Because," Rebecca hummed, "It's cheaper. Us girls love a cheap deal."


a thought i always have: does John Richard Deacon (born 19th of August 1951) know how much people love and appreciate him? i sure hope he does ❤️

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