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shoulda known you would have wanted smut lol 


For the last night before they set off on their tour, Freddie and Mary had decided to invite everybody over for a little get together with food and drinks - which is why Rebecca, along with Brian and John, were trailing through the closest supermarket, where they had been sent to get some supplies.

Brian was pushing the trolly while she and John looked over the list that Freddie had given them.

"Why do we need a list?" John asked, peering over her shoulder, "Everyone knows that the key to a successful party is booze and ice. He hasn't even written those down."

"I agree," Rebecca nodded, crumpling up the piece of paper before stuffing it into the pocket of her jeans, "To hell with the list."

"Where's Roger?" John then asked, "Thought he was supposed to be coming with?"

"He's still sleeping," she shrugged, tossing some crisps into the trolly, "Which is why Brian had to get the bus to my place so he could get the keys to the van."

The three continued their way around the shop and she rubbed her hands together when they came to the alcohol aisle, wincing when Brian crashed into another trolly that was being pushed around the corner.

"Oh gosh," a woman gasped, appearing around the shelf, "I'm sorry. I was too busy trying to read my - wait, Brian?"

Both John and Rebecca were confused as the woman, who had copper coloured hair and a very pretty face surged forward to throw her arms around Brian's neck.

"Brian May!" she repeated, holding him at arm's length, "It's so good to see you!"

"Yeah, Kerry," Brian said quietly, scratching the back of his neck, "You too."

John tapped her arm, "Who is she?"

"How am I supposed to know? Come on," the two of them split up to grab the drink that they would be needing and it was when she was putting a crate of Budweiser into the trolly that the conversation became more interesting.

"How have you been?" Brian asked, a hand still placed awkwardly on his neck.

"Oh, I'm fine. Just been studying away, you know? How about you?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm good thanks."

"...and how's Roger?"

Okay, now Rebecca was really interested. There was just something about the way she said and she silently moved to stand beside Brian, giving Kerry a small smile.

"He's good?" Brian nodded but it sounded more like a question and he slung his arm around Rebecca's shoulders, "This is Rebecca. She's Roger's..."

"Girlfriend," she said, holding out her hand, "I'm Roger's girlfriend."

She was pleased to say that she saw a flicker of surprise (and possibly jealousy) cross over the woman's features as she raised her hand to shake hers.

"Oh, that's lovely," Kerry said quietly, "I...where is Roger? Is he here? I'd love to say hi. I haven't seen him since things ended."

"He's still in bed," Rebecca said quickly, seeing Brian shift uncomfortably but she didn't look away from the woman in front of her.

Was she being petty? Probably.

Did she care? Not at all.

Brian cleared his throat and stepped forward to give Kerry another awkward embrace before looking down at her, "I think it's time we get going, huh? Where's Deaky?"

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