fifty nine

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i have to say, i do like those little red shorts


Recording an album was stressful. Especially when you'd thought that said record was already finished and then your lead singer decides that he wants to add another song onto it. A song that puts you two/three weeks overdue.

They'd been in the studio all day working on Freddie's...thing and so far, they hadn't even put a complete verse together. They had Brian's guitar solo, vocals, just little bits and pieces but nothing tied together and to be honest, Rebecca wasn't sure that even Freddie knew where this was going.

And now Roger was in the booth.

Now, Rebecca knows he's got a high range, he can hit notes that some people can only dream of hitting but it seemed that Freddie was wanting to push Roger's vocals to the absolute limit. 

Finally, he was happy and Rebecca got up from where she was sat next to Brian, grabbing a bottle of water from the table to take to him as Roger exits the booth. 

"Here," she says softly, handing him the bottle and he smiles gratefully.

"My nuts feel like they're in my chest right now," he says, directing his frustration at Freddie, "Please tell me that we're done."

"Magnificent," the singer grins, coming over to kiss Roger on the cheek, "Truly beautiful, darling. I knew your dog-whistle pitch would come in handy for something."

"Cheers for that," he mutters, "We're done then?"

"No," everyone groans at his words, even the sound engineer looks like he's ready to kill him, "I still need a few overdubs."

"Are you joking? Freddie, have we even got any tape left?"

"Never mind the bloody tape," John mutters, "We've hardly got any money left."

"Now, now lovies, I don't want to hear this negativity. We'll take a break and then we'll come back and record the overdubs and the drums and then that's it!"

Roger pinches the bridge of his nose, clenching his eyes shut and Rebecca frowns as he exhales harshly. 

The rest of the band along with the sound man and Paul, get up and leave, leaving the pair of them alone.

"Are you okay?" she asks and he looks down at her and gives her a weak smile. 

"'M fine. It's just a headache. I'm probably just hungry."

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah," he leans down to kiss her softly, "Come on, let's get something to eat."


The band go straight back into the studio after they've had something to eat but this time, Rebecca doesn't go in. She can sense that there's some growing frustration toward Freddie and the fact that they were supposed to be back home in London by now and she doesn't want to get caught in the middle of it. 

The arguments between the four can escalate quickly.

So instead she joins Alice who is trying to sort out some media coverage for the upcoming release. 

"How's it going in there?" she asks, "Brian wouldn't tell me anything but John looks ready to lamp someone with his bass."

As she said, they were supposed to be back in London by now. He was supposed to be back with Hannah who, when Rebecca spoke to her yesterday, sounded like she just wanted her husband home. 

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