sixty nine

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A couple of days later, after kissing Roger goodbye, Rebecca -along with Mary, Hannah and her mum, climbed into a taxi to make their way into the city so they could go dress shopping. Sadly, Alice was working and so she couldn't come but Hannah, who was fully equipt with her cameras, promised to take photos.

This was the first time that Morag was meeting any of her friends who weren't in the band and Rebecca was glad to see that her mum was doing as she said she would and was trying.

Though she wasn't sure what she was going to say after the seventeenth of September.

Her wedding day.

Unsure if they could just walk into the place and be like Yes, hello. One marriage, please, Rebecca and Roger paid a visit to the registry office and to be safe, they booked a slot for 1:30 on the seventeenth.

The drive into the city was surprisingly short and once everyone climbed out, they headed for the closest bridal boutique that Hannah knew about.

"So John has Charlotte today?" Mary asked, "Is this his first time alone with her?"

"He has Charlotte today," Hannah nodded, "And it is, yes. I'm not going to lie to you guys, I was thinking that I'd be going home to my house on fire but then I remembered that they'll be in the studio by the time we get finished so the boys will be there. They're all so good with her."

"Especially Roger." Mary hummed, to which Hannah nodded and nudged Rebecca.

Hannah wasn't lying. Roger was incredible with Charlotte. He loved her and it was quickly decided, much to Brian and Freddie's annoyance, that the blonde was her favourite.

And every time Rebecca saw him with her, her heart would melt and honestly? She couldn't wait to see him interact with their own child.

"Are you picking her up at the studio?" Mary asked and Hannah nodded once more.

"John reckons that it's going to be another long nig-hey! there's Freddie!"

Outside the bridal shop, Freddie was indeed standing there and when he saw them approaching, he pushed his sunglasses up onto his head, "What time do you call this?"

"Freddie," Rebecca greeted, kissing him on the cheek, "What are you doing here?"

"I've got a spare couple of hours, my darling." he said as he greeted both Hannah and Mary, "Then I must dash to the studio. Besides, I never got to do this with Hannah so I'm making up for it with you."

Rebecca introduced him to her mum, who he surprisingly took to very well and after a couple of minutes getting acquainted, Hannah pointed to the store, "Shall we?"

"No," Freddie said immediately, "This place isn't the right place for you, Becca, believe me. I've already been in and had a look. The dresses in here, not your style at all."

"Oh," she murmured as he grabbed her hand to lead her away, "Okay, then where are we going now?"


"Henderson's?" Mary repeats, "Freddie, that's-"

"The finest bridal boutique in the city," he finishes, "I know, my love. Only the best."

Rebecca's shaking her head before bed even finished speaking, "Henderson's? No. No, no, no. I can't go there!"

"What?" Freddie stops, "Why not?"

"I..." if they were doing things differently, like having a fancy wedding, she'd maybe make a little bit more effort with the dress but it's not and she doesn't want to waste all that money, "It's too expensive."

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