seventy nine**

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Over the next couple of months, Queen embarked on the first leg of their Day at the Races tour and while they were touring the country, she focused more on getting the new house in order. 

It wasn't hard, Roger had given her pretty much free reign and anything Rebecca wanted for their home, she got.

Roger wasn't one to care about how the house looked but if Rebecca asked his opinion on something over the phone he'd give her it and soon, she felt like they could really call the place a home.

When Christmas and New Year came and gone, they both realised that while the house was indeed perfect, it felt just that little bit empty and so, they were both trying to come up with ways to tell the other that maybe, maybe they'd like to start trying for a baby.

It was fast, they'd only been married a few months but it's what they both wanted. They were eager to start a family and with the Day at the Races tour on a short hiatus, they thought it could be a perfect time.

And so one night, when they're driving back from having dinner with John and Hannah, Roger grabs hold of her hand which is resting on her leg and decides to just bite the bullet.

"Hey," he says softly, making sure he's got her attention since she's been looking out of the window most of the drive home.

"Hm?" she looks at him, content smile changing to a look of concern when she notices how nervous he is and she places her hand on his, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he mumbles, clearing his throat, "It's just...I've been thinking that maybe-"

He stops and Rebecca rubs his forearm, something she knows can help relax him, patiently waiting for him to finish.

"Maybe we could start thinking about having a baby."

Her thumb stills as she looks at him, unsure if his words are a statement or a question and her silence makes him nervous.

"It's just," he slides his hand out from under hers, placing it back on the steering wheel which he grips tightly, "Seeing you with Charlotte, how good you are with her...'m not wording this very well."

She finally opens her mouth to say something but he's concentrating so hard on the road that he doesn't see and continues talking.

" feels like the right time, don't you think? And I know that we've got the tour and that starting back up again but that's not till the end of January and it's only three months. Then I'll be back. I can be there for both of you. And we've got everything else, everything we'll ever need. I want to have a baby with you, Rebecca - I want a family."

Rebecca will admit that she never thought she'd be having a conversation as important as this in Roger's car on the way back from having dinner with their friends. She knew that he wanted to be a dad; the way he was with Charlotte would make her heart melt and she wanted this too. She did.

She stays quiet once more and again, Roger takes that silence to mean something completely different and removing a hand from the wheel once more, he reaches for his cigarettes.

"Maybe not," he mumbled, struggling to get one from the packet, "Maybe not the right time, hm?"

But before he can pat his pockets in search for his lighter, Rebecca's removing the cigarette from where it's hanging limply between his lips, rolling down her window so she can throw it into the night air, "You're going to have to quit that."

She says it so casually and Roger can't help but switch his gaze from her, back to the road and when she doesn't say anything else, he splutters out a laugh, "What? Can you say something? I need to know where you're at."

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