one hundred and nine

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this isn't the last chapter! the next one will be. i decided to split it up into two :)


The run-up to Live Aid, which was well on track to being one of the biggest concerts there will ever be, was filled with rehearsals and meetings with the organisers Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to find out their time slot and decide what songs they were going to do.

Thankfully, Morag had agreed to come and look after the twins so Rebecca could go without having to worry too much. Ellie and Heather would both be coming to watch. It was their first proper gig and what better place to start than with their father's band.

And knowing his daughters as well as he did, Roger knew that they'd be stood at the side of the stage with Rebecca and the others where they could see him.

The night before the 13th, Roger barely slept. He's never felt nervous before but then again, they've never played anything on this sort of scale before.

The gig kicked off at 12 noon in London, 7am in Philadelphia and that morning, the Taylor house was a flurry of activity; Roger was trying to find his drumsticks before the car arrived and Rebecca was trying to juggle making breakfast, getting Ellie to put her shoes on and trying to tell Heather that no, Pippi couldn't come with them.

Finally, Morag stepped in and took both little girls upstairs so Ellie could find her shoes and Heather could actually get dressed which allowed Rebecca to finally start plating up the food but before she can, Roger interrupts.

"I'll take over," Roger mumbles, placing a hand on her hip as he stands behind her, "We've only got twenty minutes and you're still in your dressing gown, love."

His wife nods, kissing his cheek lightly in thanks as she darts out of the room and Roger looks down at the food. If they run out of time, they'll just have to take the food with them in the car.

"Daddy," both girls call as they come thundering down the stairs, ignoring both their mother and grandmother when they yell for them not to run down them, "Daddy, we're ready!"

He turns off the hob and turns in time for them to crash into the kitchen, the two of them dressed in matching Live Aid t-shirts that he had gotten them.

"My girls," he grins, kneeling down so they can wrap their arms around him and Heather climbs onto his back just as Rebecca follows them, also wearing the Live Aid shirt that was supposed to be his.

"Are you sure you don't want to wear this?" she asks as Ellie darts by her, yelling something about saying goodbye to Seth and Norah.

"No," he mumbles, groaning when the buzzer for their gate goes off, signalling the arrival of the car and Heather slides down off of his back, "Go get your sister for me, Poppet."

She does as asked, blonde curls bouncing as she runs out of the room and Rebecca steps forward and wraps her arms around his torso.

"What's this for?" Roger asks though he doesn't push her away. Of course he doesn't.

"You're nervous." she says simply, "'m just wanting you to try and relax."

Smiling, he wraps his arms around her shoulders and presses his lips against her forehead, allowing the smell of her sweet perfume and the feeling of her hand running up and down his back do just that, relax him.

When she feels that he has calmed down, she pulls back just ever so slightly and gives him his favourite smile, "Let's go watch you rock that stadium, Rog."


When they arrive at Wembley, so they don't lose Heather in the crowds that are backstage, Roger is quick to lift her up onto his shoulders, making sure that he's got a safe grip on her ankles.

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