sixty seven

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On the 20th of August, baby Deacon was born - just one day after their dad's birthday and really, only Hannah could go into labour on her husband's big day.

None of them even knew that she had gone into labour until Roger got a call from John, who couldn't stop crying as he told him that Hannah had given birth at 2:17 that morning. A little girl.

Of course, the two of them were ecstatic for their friends and Rebecca was quick to ask if they were able to go visit them, which they were.

John had said that Alice and Brian were coming for the afternoon visit and since Hannah was in a private room, they could come too if they'd like.

On their way to the hospital, it was decided that they'd make a quick stop at a toy store to pick up a small present for the baby and Rebecca let Roger go in and pick it. Which, she knew was a terrible idea and she was proven right when he returned to the car with what had to be the biggest stuffed bear that he could get.

"They're going to kill us," she laughed as he hauled it into the lift, "What floor did John say it was again?"

"Love, Brian and Freddie are going to be competing for the little ones love. I have to get a head start."

"The floor, Roger."

"Oh, it's four."

"Thank you," she hummed, pressing the button but before the doors started closing, they heard a familiar voice shout for them to hold the lift and Rebecca stuck her hand out to stop the doors from shutting just as Alice did the same thing.

"Hi!" she grinned, pulling her into a hug and when her eyes fell on the huge bear, her mouth fell open.

"Great, isn't it?" Roger grinned, "Can't wait to see their faces when they see it."

"It is great. It's jus-" Alice doesn't get to finish her sentence because Brian steps into view dragging the same stuffed bear.

"Oh my god,"

"What the fuck?"

Both Roger and Rebecca speak at the same time. She looks as if she's going to start laughing while he looks like he wants to kill his bandmate.

"Great minds, huh?" Brian offers, stepping into the lift and Rebecca find herself pressed against the wall to try and make room.

The lift up to the floor is spent in an awkward silence with Roger shooting glares at both Brian and his bear and when the lift stops at floor two to let someone else on, Alice politely suggests that they should maybe wait for the next one.

It's a struggle to get out on floor four; both men want to be first in the room but alas, it's Roger ho manages to break free first, shooting a smug smile at Brian as he instructs Rebecca to grab the bear's legs.

The nurse who's at the desk raises her eyebrows as they approach and Rebecca's surprised when she points them down the corridor but just thinks that the woman recognises Brian and Roger as John's bandmates.

But that's not it at all.

"You absolute bastards."

Freddie's standing with Mary a few feet ahead of them but that's not what makes both Alice and Becca's mouths fall open.

No, what makes that happen is the fact that they're standing there with, you guessed it, the same fucking bear.

"Oh my god," Rebecca utters the same three words in the space of ten minutes.

You honestly couldn't write this.

"Fucking hell," Roger hisses, ignoring the disapproving look he gains from the nurse, "What are they going to do with three huge bears?"

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