one hundred and three

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Arriving in New York, Rebecca could have truly kissed the ground. The flight was in one word, hellish. Ellie did NOT like the take-off, she didn't like the actual flight and she hated the landing and Rebecca is sure that she cried for at least half of the journey.

The other passengers in first class weren't exactly happy. Especially when Rebecca had to hand her daughter off to a woman sitting next to her so she could run off to the bathroom and throw up and by the time she came back, Ellie had obviously exhausted herself from crying so much and had passed out on the woman's shoulders.

Rebecca genuinely thought about offering all of those people free Queen tickets for putting up with the crying. But she didn't. Miami would kill her.

Their flight got in at around seven in the evening, which meant that sadly, Roger couldn't come to meet them because, at that moment, he was probably on stage playing a gig.

Now back on solid ground, they sluggishly make their way to baggage claim and after she grabs a trolly for their cases, she can't help but feel a little anxious as she waits for their luggage. Hearing that there was another woman on the tour who she didn't know, made her nervous and she felt horrible because Roger had given her absolutely no reason for her to doubt him.

Was that a pregnancy thing too?

Somehow, while cradling a still sleeping Ellie, Rebecca manages to load the trolly up and she's relieved when the pushchair comes around on the conveyor belt, which she manages to grab and set up all with one hand.

Though now she has to work out how she's going to push both things at once.

Her answer comes in the form of the angel that is Jim Hutton. When Roger said that someone would come to meet them, she assumed it would be someone from the hotel but god, she's relieved that it's him and he sees the relief as soon as she sees him.

She looks completely drained.

"Rebecca," he greets, kissing her cheek lightly, "Here, let me. Are you alright to carry her?"

When she nods, he dismantles the pushchair and balances it on top of the cases and the three of them start heading towards the exit.

"Thank you for coming to pick me up," she says as they step out into the cool night air.

"Don't mention it," he smiles, "The car is over here. Oh, Roger asked me to give you this to save you asking at reception."

He digs around in his pocket, pulling out a key that is obviously for Rog's hotel room, which she puts safely in her carry on.

"How have you been?" Jim asks, "Roger told us you're pregnant. Congratulations."

"Thank you," she smiles, "Bit of a surprise that was."

"I bet," he says as they come to a halt next to a sleek black Mercedes and her smile falls when she sees, that stood beside it, was who Becca could only guess, was Evangeline, the woman she spoke to the other night.

Right off the bat, she's young, can't be any older than twenty five and she looks pleasant enough but Rebecca can't help but notice just how...put together she looks.

Her hair is pinned up in an intricate looking bun, clothes immaculate and here's Rebecca standing in a pair of leggings, Roger's old tour hoodie which has a drool stain on the shoulder from Ellie and though her hair is also in a bun, it's nowhere near as neat as hers.

And so in an attempt to make herself look at little more presentable, she tucks some loose strands behind her ear.

"Ah, Rebecca," Jim says as they come to a stop beside the car, "This is Evangeline."

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