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It barely felt like Rebecca had a break from work despite being off the weekend. It was now Monday morning and while she was sitting in her kitchen drinking her coffee and mentally preparing herself for work, the phone which was through in the living room rang.

"Hello?" she asked, turning down the radio.

"I am so sorry!" was the first thing that Mary said, "Honestly Rebecca, I can't believe we done that!"

She couldn't help but laugh at how guilty she sounded and started playing with the phone cord, "Mary, it's okay, really. As long as you had fun...?"

"I'm not answering that. How did you get home? Did you get a taxi?"

"No," she murmured, picking up the phone so she could move to sit on the couch.

"Bus?" she asked, "If you had to get the bus on a Friday night, I'm going to feel even worse."

"No, I didn't get the bus. Roger gave me a lift."

She heard Mary's audible gasp, "Roger took you home?"

Rebecca could hear another voice in the background, a very familiar voice, "Is Freddie there?"

"...maybe. He-Freddie!"

"Rebecca, darling. What's this I'm hearing about Roger taking you home? Did I hear that correctly?"

"Yes Freddie, you did. Though he wouldn't have had to if you didn't leave me!"

Ah come, Rebecca. I'm sorry, now don't hold a grudge. What are you doing today?"

"I'm going to work." she mumbled. 

"I really don't see why you don't leave, tell them to stick it up their arses if they don't treat you right." 

"Freddie," she sighed, resting her head back against the couch, "We've been over this." 

"I worry about you," he said sincerely, "You know that." 

That brought a smile to her face. Because she'd only known him and knowing that he did care for her made her feel all warm inside. She'd never had a group of friends like this before. 

"I know you are. And I appreciate it," she finally got back off the couch, "But I need to go otherwise I'll be late. Have a good day, Freddie." 

"You too, darling."

She put the receiver down with a click, looking at the clock on the wall and saw that it was half past 8. 



She was late by twenty minutes. But in her defence, she'd skipped a shower and somehow managed to make it to the bus stop in time. It was the stupid bus that made her late. It turned up at eight-fifty and the fifteen-minute journey turned into half an hour with the stupid traffic. 

Ironically, Rebecca has gotten on the bus to save her time. 

She rushed into the studio, managing to do it unnoticed. Maybe I'll get away it she thought as she hung her coat and bag up in what was her designated locker. 

But when she turned around, she was met with Jeremy, who was glaring down at her and instinctively, she backed up a couple of steps. 

"You're late." 

She nodded and looked down at her feet, toying with her hands like she always did when she got nervous, "I know. I'm sorry, the bus-" 

"Then you should have walked." he snarled, "The studio is a mess. I don't know what you were thinking about leaving it in that state last night."

"That wasn't me." 


She cleared her throat, "I said it wasn't me. I don't work weekends."

Jeremy's eye twitched, something that always happened when he was starting to lose his patience and Rebecca silently picked up her brush, "I'll just...I'll go start."

"Start in the studio. The band have been waiting forever. And you can stay on tonight to make up for your lateness."  

Band? She scoffed as she made her way down the corridors. Please. If SixtyDust was a band, she was the Prime Minister.

If she was staying late, it also meant that she'd have to phone Sophie and tell her she was going to be late to her house. Rebecca was supposed to be going for dinner with her and her Aunt. Of course, the one day she had to be out bang on time, she was late. 

SixtyDust looked up as she entered, the lead singer, who she didn't even find out the name of, perked up and got up from the couch, "Glad you could join us. Jeremy's looking for you." 

"I've seen him," she answered politely, "And I'm sorry that the place was in such a mess this morning."

"Ah don't worry about it," another of the band said, "We know you don't work weekends."

Rebecca gave him a small smile and went into the actual booth to start cleaning.

At least someone knew it wasn't her.


Toward the end of her lunch break, she phoned Sophie and let her know that she would be late and when she hung up, she saw that the man who had spoken to her earlier, was standing watching her. 

"Hi..." she murmured and he gave her a bright smile.

"Afternoon," he nodded, holding out his hand, "I realise that I forgot to introduce myself earlier. I'm Jack."

"Nice to meet you," she shook his hand, "I'm Rebecca."

"I'm really sorry about Andrew," he said, "Our lead singer. I know he's been a bit hard on you. Making you go out for cigs and such."

"It's okay," she shrugged. 

"It isn't," he argued, "But listen, I'm going out for some coffee. You want to join me?" 

"Sorry, but I can't. I've got toilets to clean."

"Oh well," he shrugged, "Maybe next time."


As the day went on, Rebecca found herself back in the mixing area of the studio and as she cleaned, she couldn't help but overhear the music that was being played and she couldn't help but compare it to what she had heard on Friday. 

Compared to Freddie, Andrew was not very good. I mean, she didn't know anything about music but she knew what wailing sounded like. And what Andrew was doing, was just that. 

The rest of them, they didn't sound too bad and Jack, who played bass, gave her a little wave when he noticed that she was watching.

She quickly got back to work, glancing at the clock every couple of minutes as she willed time to go faster. 

She just wanted to go home. 

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