thirty eight

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They say that bad things happen in threes and boy, Rebecca was truly starting to believe that.

First of all, due to it only being the second day of her period, she somehow managed to leak onto the fabric of her dress and she only found out when Brian managed to catch her alone for a few mortifying seconds.

Although it was her own fault. It was a bold move wearing a light coloured dress. And really, she didn't know who was more embarrassed.

After getting changed into something a lot less daring, she slipped into the kitchen, seeing Roger looking down at his creation with a proud look on his face.

"Is that Brian's?" she asked, standing beside him and he looked down at her, frowning when he noticed her change of clothes but one look from her let him know not to say anything.

He cleared his throat, "Yeah. Looks good, right? Only took me five minutes to prep."

"You're a real Delia Smith," she smiled, resting her forehead against his arm, letting the familiar smell of his aftershave calm her.

"You good?" he hummed, moving away from her briefly just so he could wash his hands and he nodded.

"Just needed a minute."

"Then we'll take a minute," he whispered, flinching when there was a crash from through in the living room and a loud sorry from Deaky and Rebecca laughed.

"You were saying?"

"I'll go see what they've done," Roger said quietly, "You take all the time you need."

The second thing happened just as the clock struck three; Brian had arrived fifteen minutes before and they were just waiting a little bit longer before eating when the buzzer went off again and after handing Brian his drink, Rebecca went to see who it was, hand on her abdomen as she did so.

The cramps were coming back.

Picking up the phone, she leant against the wall and watched the three band members mess around, unable to stop the smile that spread onto her face.

God, she was friends with some amazing people.

Though that smile slipped off her face when she realises who is at the door.


Roger hears her over the other two, concern in his eyes as he gets up from the couch to come to her side, pressing his ear against the other side of the phone to listen to the conversation.

"Of course it's me, Rebecca. Now, are you going to let me in?"

She glanced at Roger, who was shaking his head and she moved the receiver from her mouth so she could speak to him and not have her mother hear.

"What am I supposed to do?" she asked, "Pretend we're not here?"

Roger shrugged, "It could work."

Rolling her eyes, she ignored his protests and pushed the button to open the door. What was she supposed to do?

"It's Christmas, Rog," was all she said, opening the flat's door so her mum could make her way in.

"I know that, but do you not remember what happened the last time she was here?"

"I do," she mumbled, "But what kind of monster doesn't let her mum in?"

"Fine," he huffed, not wanting to argue with her, "But if she starts anything, I'm throwing her out."

"Noted," she mumbles, leaning up to kiss his cheek, "And thank you."

They both looked up as her mum came crashing through the door, slamming it behind her which silenced both Brian and John's banter in the living room.

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