
12.9K 382 274

ayyy, my favourite song ^ see what i did there?

also, we are so close to 100k and i can't believe it.


It wasn't until after Morag and the guys had left that Roger remembered about her other gift and after making sure that Rebecca was busy, which she was; she was wrapped in a blanket on the couch watching A Christmas Carol on BBC 1, he made his way through to the bedroom to dig through his bedside drawer for the white envelope.

She was so engrossed in the Christmas classic that she didn't acknowledge him sitting on the other side of the couch until he pulled her feet onto his lap but even then, she just gave him a small smile before averting her gaze back to the t.v.

Roger decided to let her watch the film in peace. She'd had a stressful day - they both had and she deserved that hot chocolate she was currently sipping from.

He hasn't actually seen the film that she watching and soon, he's just as invested in it as she is and he absentmindedly rubs her sock-clad feet gently as they watch Jacob Marley burst through the door to Ebenezer's bedroom.

Rebecca gets up at some point, returning a few minutes later with another hot chocolate in her hands but this one is for Roger, who takes it without looking away from the screen, taking a sip of the scalding liquid before putting it on the coffee table.

She sits next to him this time, tucking her feet underneath her as she reaches for the blanket that she'd discarded, making sure that they're both adequately covered before she settles beside him, head resting on his shoulder.

Roger's not quite sure when he falls asleep but he's woken by Rebecca giving his shoulder a gentle shake.

He saw that the tv was off and took that to mean that she was going to bed and wordlessly, he got up to follow her.

As they got ready for bed, he couldn't help but notice that something was bothering her and finally, before she could climb into the bed, he gently caught hold of her arm, speaking for the first time since their guests had left.

"Are you okay?"

She wasn't.

Her mum had sat down on the couch next to her when Roger was downstairs seeing Brian and John off the premises and they actually had a decent conversation.

Well, it had started out as decent.

They'd chatted about the tour Queen had gone on, Rebecca unable to really take her mum seriously with the party hat on her head, which John, who was definitely way past drunk, had forced onto her head.

And then, at some point, her mum had leant across and placed her hand on hers and that's when Rebecca knew she was going to do what she did best.

And she'd said some pretty nasty things about Roger, saying that men like him, ones in bands don't want to be tied down. Especially when there's women throwing themselves left, right and centre.

He won't go further than this. There won't be any commitment.

That's when Rebecca had stopped her and asked her to leave.

But it had played on her mind for the rest of night which is why she'd been so quiet.

"Rebecca," Roger repeated softly, "Are you okay?"

She gave him the most convincing smile she could and nodded, "'course I am."

They climbed into the bed in silence and she wordlessly shuts off the light, laying down on her side facing away from him which gives him another indication that something is bothering her.

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