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"A little to the left."

"It was just there!"

"No, wait, I think it needs to go to the right."

Roger looks up from where he and Brian are placing the large chest of drawers down to glare at his wife, "If we put this down here, we're leaving it here, Becca. My back is fucking killing me."

"Getting old, Rog." Brian teases, smiling at Alice when she appears in the doorway, "Hiya, love."

"Hi," she grins, inspecting the placement of the drawers, "I think it needs to go to the right a little bit."

"Told you!" Rebecca exclaims and Roger throws his head back in exasperation.


Roger didn't know that arranging a baby's room could be so exhausting. It had to be perfect according to Rebecca who, before having them move the drawers, had them move the crib about half a dozen times.

They put the drawers down and Brian says that he's just popping downstairs to get a drink and Alice follows him, leaving the couple alone.

Rebecca steps into the room and looks around. They'd chosen their smallest bedroom for the nursery; it's the closest one to their room and to her, the smaller the room, the cosier the room and that's exactly what she wants.

"Something's not right."

Roger puts his hands on his hips and surveys the room himself, "Looks alright to me."

But Rebecca's shaking her head, "Cribs fine...changing table? No, that's fine too. Is it the colour?"

He shakes his head, stepping over the mess of boxes to cup her face in his hands, "Listen to me, the colour is perfect. The room is perfect. Everything, my love, is perfect."

"You don't think that the green is too dark?"

"It's not green," he hums, "It's sage."

"Still a shade of green."

"Remember what the man said?" he murmurs, tucking some hair behind her ear, "It's calming, nurturing. That's what we want, isn't it?"

She nods, "Maybe it's because I know we don't have the clothes and stuff in yet."

"Maybe," he hums in agreement, "We can do that after though, yeah?" She silently nods again but he can tell she's not listening to a word he's saying, she's still not happy about something and following her gaze, he sees that she's looking at the rocking chair that's situated in front of the window and he sighs, "Alright, where do you want it moved to?"

She points, "Think it'd look better there, in the corner. And I promise that's it!"

"You're lucky I love you."


It's taken Rebecca three weeks to pluck up the courage to climb back into the driver's seat of a car but today was that day.

She was going to get that haircut dammit.

But she made Roger come too.

She felt stupid but having him in the passenger seat beside her made her feel more at ease but that didn't mean she didn't feel guilty.

"'m sorry that you had to come with me," she says as she pulls out of the driveway, gripping the wheel tightly.

"Ah you know I don't mind, love." he replies, digging through the glove compartment for his sunglasses, "Besides, got nothing better to do, do I?"

Technically, that wasn't true. He was supposed to be building up the last piece of furniture for the baby's room, a little end table for one of the lights but Rebecca knows that he's just saying that to make her feel a little better.

"What are you going to do while I'm in there?" she asks, glancing at him to see him watching her

"Dunno," he shrugs, "Hey, I could come in with you."

"You'll be bored," she shakes her head, "You could go see your optician, see if your glasses are ready."

Yes, finally -after much encouragement from her-, Roger finally went and got his eyes tested and was told what everyone else already knew, he needed glasses.

"Yeah," he grumbles, scratching his forehead, "Guess I could do that. Who is it that you're going to see?"

"Jim," she answers, "You know, the waiter from the launch party. He cuts hair and said he'd get rid of my split ends. Might get a little bit off the length too. Spice things up."

When they arrive at the hotel, Rebecca parks and Roger quickly gets out to open the door for her and help her out.

"If this bump grows any bigger, I'm gonna have trouble reaching the steering wheel." she sighs and he leans down to kiss the pout off her lips.

"I'll come back in half an hour. If you're not done, I'll just hang about out here."

"I'll find you," she nods.

As she walks into the hotel, Roger can't help but let out the quietest of laughs as he watches her. She's kind of waddling like a little penguin and when she hears his snickers, she turns to stick the fingers up at him.

"Love you too!"


As promised, Roger waits for her outside the hotel and when she emerges from the building with Jim, she turns to the man and promises that she'll see him next week for lunch.

As far as Rebecca was concerned, Jim Hutton was now her friend. Whether he liked it or not.

Roger gets out of the car to open the door for her, he's driving this time, she can't be bothered.

"Ah, ah, ah," he shakes his head, pulling her to a halt, "Let me have a look at you, beautiful."

She grins up at him while striking a ridiculous attempt at a pose, which makes him laugh. It's nothing too drastic but she has had a few inches taken off the ends.

"It's not that different," she says as he runs a hand through her hair, "But it's a start."

"I like it," he nods, "Now I can see your pretty little face."

She beams up at him and he leans down to kiss her nose, "Thank you."

"Now," he murmurs, opening the passenger door for her, "How does Sprout feel about some lunch?"

She puts her hand on her stomach and nods, "Lunch sounds good."


this is just a little bit of a filler

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