twenty two

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Even though Rebecca had been living with him for the past week, it seemed that the two of them hadn't seen each other. 

With wanting to get the album absolutely perfect, the band were working day and night to produce a record that they'd all be proud of.

This meant that Roger wasn't getting home till two or three in the morning, stumbling through the door and into bed beside her. Sometimes he wouldn't even bother getting changed. 

Rebecca would wake up at her normal time of seven to hear him snoring softly in her ear, leaving him to go start her shift with a soft kiss on the forehead. 

But they wouldn't have it any other way. 

No, Roger liked it. He liked coming home to her. He liked waking up through the night to a mouthful of her hair. He liked climbing into the shower to see her shampoo and body wash next to his. He liked that she had taken over the top of his chest of drawers with her makeup and perfume. He liked that she had the bottom drawer for her things. 

Today was a rare day that they were both off and by eleven, they were still in bed asleep. 

Roger was the first one up, looking down to see that Rebecca was still nuzzled into his side and he reached out to brush his fingertips across her cheek, smiling when she let out a small groan and her eyes fluttered open. 

"Hi," she whispered, trailing her finger along his jaw. 

"Morning," he murmured. 

"I forgot you're off today," she admitted, hand playing with the bottom of the shirt he decided to wear to bed last night - it was getting a little bit chillier at night now. 

"It's not often that this happens," Roger agreed, "We should do something today." 

Rebecca nodded but rest her head on his chest, slinging a leg over his torso as well, "We should. But later. Just wanna lay here for a little bit longer."

A little bit longer turned into a couple more hours and by the time they finally emerged from the bedroom in search of food, it was coming up for one. 

"We could go for a walk?" Rebecca suggested, making Roger's face screw up and her laugh, "Okay, that's a firm no. Then what do you want to do?"


"Roger," she warned but there was a smile on her face and she got up to stand next to him, "Please can we go for a walk? Doesn't have to be a long one but this is the first dry day in ages." 

He opened his mouth to protest but she wrapped her arms around his torso and looked up at him with those pretty eyes of hers and he knew that he'd be going for a walk that afternoon.


She lied when she said that it'd be a short one. They'd been out for hours now, admiring the culture that London offered - they may live in the capital but that didn't mean they had any time to appreciate it. 

They were walking down Regent Street - the shopping street of the city and as they walked by one of their boutiques, Rebecca pulled him to a halt. 

"Oh wow," she breathed, almost pressing her face against the window, "Roger, look at that dress!"

It truly was a beautiful dress - she'd never seen anything like it. It was a gorgeous checked dress with cap sleeves and a straight neckline. She was a sucker for checked patterns. That's why she liked  

"Do you like it?" he asked, already knowing the answer. 

She did but she couldn't justify ever paying that amount of money. Especially on her wage. It was almost £200. 

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