fifty five

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"Rebecca?" Hannah called from where she was looking at herself in her bedroom mirror, sighing when she didn't hear a reply, "Rebecca, the baby's coming!"


Hannah heard a thud, a groan and then her friend was rushing up the stairs, almost skidding to a halt when she came to the bedroom door and when she saw the playful grin on her face.

"Every time," she cackled, making Rebecca glare at her, "You fall for it every time!"

"You know, one day, you're going to do that and it'll be real and guess what? I'm not going to come running."

"Oh please," Hannah scoffed, "You'll always come running. Now, can you take a photo before Mary comes over so I can send it to John?

"Of course," she mumbled, picking up her polaroid, "Just the bump? Or will I take a couple in case he's forgotten what you look like? It has been almost two months."

"I send him photos every week. Per his request. I doubt that'll happen."

Hannah was in one word; glowing. Pregnancy really suited her.

Rebecca dutifully took a few photos, handing them and the camera to her when she heard the phone ring downstairs, "I'll get it."

She ran down the stairs, sure that she was going to miss the call but somehow, she made it, "Hello?"

"Becca," Alice greeted, "Listen, is there any chance you can come up here?"

"What?" she laughed, "I thought you guys were all up there so the guys didn't have any distractions."

"Yes, well you see, there's a slight problem," she said quietly.

"What?" she frowned, "What is it?"

"Roger's in a cupboard."

"What?" She couldn't have heard that right, could she?

"You heard correctly," the poor woman sounded so stressed, "So, I've called the record label and they're sending a car for you to bring you up here."

"What?" Rebecca repeated, "Alice, please tell me you're joking."

"Oh, I'm not. I am at the end of my tether with this lot. I'll see you when you get here. And Rebecca?"


"You best bring a bag because you are never fucking leaving."


As soon as she stepped out of the car that had been sent for her, Alice descends on her.

"Thank god you're here," she whispered, "God, they are driving me crazy!"

"Woah, calm down." Rebecca laughed, "What's going on?"

"Where do I start? Paul keeps disappearing, leaving me with the boys, John won't stop trying to show me pictures of his pregnant wife, who by the way is stunning and I can only hope I look that good when I'm pregnant and oh, let's see, oh yes, Roger is in a fucking cupboard!"

"He can't still be in there," she frowns.

"Well, he is! I thought he'd get hungry and come out but he's got food in there."

Rebecca stares at her for a second before pulling her into a tight hug, "What have they done to you? Where are they? Where's Roger?"

She points to the building behind her and after Rebecca tells her to go into the house and have a cup of tea (or something stronger), she hesitates before heading over there.

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