eighty four

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no, they're not having twins. i'm just putting they're and they in because they don't know the gender :)


According to Katie, who happily agreed to stay on as their doctor for the rest of the pregnancy, since little Sprout wasn't releasing a lot of HCG, there was a good chance that she wouldn't suffer from morning sickness at all, which made Rebecca feel lucky. She'd seen the effect it had on Hannah.

As soon as they got home, Roger doted on her hand and foot; she wanted a cup of tea? He made it for her. She wanted to watch some sappy romance film on the telly? He didn't object and when she started falling asleep on the couch, he happily carried her upstairs so she could be comfortable.

"I'm not ill," she laughed as he climbed onto the bed beside her.

"I know that," he hummed, "Just want you to be comfortable, don't I?"

"Hm, are you going to be like this the whole time? I could get used to it."

Roger let out a quiet laugh, gently pushing her shirt up so he could trail his fingers over her stomach, "Can't believe there's been a baby in there for three months and we had no idea. It's mad."

"I know," she whispered.

"Little Sprout," he breathes, kissing her skin softly.

"Is that going to stick?" she asks, "It's not going to be the size of a brussel sprout for the whole pregnancy."

"Don't call our child it! Calling them Sprout for a reason, aren't I? So I'm not rude!"

Rebecca couldn't help but laugh, running her hand through his hair as she apologises.

"Three months," he repeats, still looking at her stomach in awe, "Does this mean that we can tell people?"

"Think so," she nods, "I remember John saying something about how chances of something happening decrease significantly after the first trimester."

"Mum won't believe it," he grins.

"We'll tell them first," Rebecca says as her eyes start to close, "Our parent. Give them a ring and invite them to dinner."

He nods. They could do it whatever way she wanted.

She watches with a tired smile on her face as he continues to trail his fingers over her skin, eyes finally closing as he draws little shapes and when opens them once more, she's surprised when she sees that his eyes are filling with tears. 

"Hey," she whispers, placing her hand on his cheek.

"Sorry," he mumbled, wiping them away with his other hand before meeting her eyes, "I just...thank you."

"For what?"

"Agreeing to do this. Saying you'll have a family with me. You've made me the happiest man on this planet, Rebecca Taylor."

"Goddammit, Roger." she laughed, "You've made me cry."


The following afternoon, they get a visit from John, who just wanders into the house as if he owns the place and Roger, who's sitting on the couch, almost has a heart attack when he notices him standing there. 

"Hey, you know, you should really get a lock for that gate. Anyone can just walk in here."

"Clearly," Roger mutters while Rebecca makes her way down the stairs, smiling at their friend in greeting. 

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now