forty six

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bringing that gif back again


American crowds are different from British crowds. That's the observation that Rebecca has made since coming to the US.

They push, shove and she's sadly found out that they're not afraid to get handsy.

And they're so much bigger. They have to be when the band are selling out venues every night which means that when they chose to go out afterwards, the surrounding bars and clubs were always significantly more crowded than what she's used to.

"This is ridiculous," Alice mutters as she leads Rebecca through the sea of people as they come back from the bathroom. She leads her towards the back of the venue, where the largest crowd of people are because where there are people, you're sure to find the band.

And she's right; they're surrounded, mostly by women who are desperate for a bit of attention and like always, Roger seems to be the most popular and Alice glances at Rebecca when he shows one of his fans how to twirl a stick across her fingers.

"Does that not bother you?" she asks as Rebecca got them some drinks, "That they fawn over him like that?"

She shrugs, "Not really. I mean, it comes with being a rockstar's girlfriend; the fans, the women."

"Do you ever worry that he's going to...?"

"No," she says immediately, "I trust him. I know he won't do anything with them. They can flirt all they want but I'm the one who is going home with him. He might even play along but I know for a fact that if I went over there, he'd drop everything."

Alice knows that she isn't lying. She's seen the way Roger is around her; a completely different person.

"How about you?" Rebecca asks, "Anyone special in your life?"

"No," he mumbled, clearing her throat as she suddenly looks uncomfortable, "Never really had the time."

Rebecca had touched a nerve and so she quickly shut up about it, "Do you dance?"

Luckily, Alice laughs and downs the rest of her drink before nodding, "Once I've had a few, I like to think of myself as a dancing queen."

The two move to the middle of the designated dancefloor and drink as they dance, which is a terrible idea really because the more they dance, the warmer they get and the warmer they get, the more they drink.

When Alice mumbles something along the lines of getting more drinks in her ear, she gives her a nod but really, she's not too sure what she said. She's much too distracted about keeping in time with the music she's dancing to.

She's aware that people are starting as she twirls around, hands in the air without a care in the world.

Roger's watching her. Rebecca always knows when he's looking at her. There's something about his gaze that makes her skin tingle and when she looks to where she knows he's sat, she sees that she isn't wrong.

The other girls are forgotten and he leans against the back of the booth he's sat in, silently sipping at his beer as he watches.

But then Alice is back, handing Rebecca another drink and they move deeper into the dancing crowd with Freddie but Roger can still see her as he starts a conversation with John, who's significantly happier than he was the other night.

Hannah finally spoke to him, apologising for being so weird and making everyone worried. University had just gotten on top of her and she had just needed some time to finish and take care of everything she needed to do.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now