thirty three

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The next morning, Rebecca wouldn't, couldn't so much as even look at Brian across the breakfast table.

Freddie was as chipper as ever as he and Mary took two of the empty seats, giving the young couple a knowing look.

"You two took off rather early," he said casually, "Did you have a good night?"

Her face burned scarlet as Roger glared at the singer, "Sod off."

He leant over and prodded at the skin on Roger's neck, "That's a work of art that is. Becca, darling, you should be proud."

She winced as Brian snapped, throwing his knife and fork down onto his plate with a clatter, "You didn't even check to see if I was there."

"We thought you were still out," Roger replied calmly, taking a drink of his coffee, "John said you were out taking a walk."

Brian glared at him before looking at the man who was sitting at the end of the table, "I can't go through that again, Paul. If she's joining us, I want my own room."

"Oh!" Roger suddenly exclaimed, waving his fork between the two, "You haven't met yet. Bex, this is Paul. Paul, Rebecca. Paul's our manager."

She gave him an embarrassed smile and reached a hand over to shake his, "It's nice to meet you."

"You too," he spoke with an Irish accent, "And Brian, I'll see what I can do but there are no promises."

"Hang on," Mary said quietly as if she was just catching on, "You were in...oh, Brian!"

"Brian was where?" John asked as if from nowhere, pulling a chair out for Hannah.

"Nowhere," Rebecca said quickly to try and save herself from any further embarrassment, "He was nowhere."

"He was in the next bed as they were going at it."

"Shut up!" Hannah's mouth fell open, "Like...oh my god!"

Groaning, Rebecca sunk down further into her seat as the rest of the group chatted excitedly at her expense.

She was never going to live this down.


Rebecca had never seen the band setting up before and she, along with Mary and Hannah, sat on the stage and watched the hustle and bustle of those around her; crewmen pushing the instruments onto the stage, assistants running around like headless chickens and to be honest, she didn't really understand the stress. Like, the show wasn't until later on in the evening. They had time.

But what did she know?

She watched as Roger hovered over the poor man who was setting up his drums, giggling when eventually, he got frustrated and told him to piss off, that he'd do it himself.

She'd never actually watched him set them up and so she meandered over, taking a seat on one of the stools behind him instead.

He worked quietly and methodically and he didn't even notice that she was sitting there until he turned to grab the final piece of kit.

"Are you just going to sit and watch me?" he asked.

She nodded, "Yep. It's quite the view."

He couldn't help the smile that crossed his face and he wordlessly grabbed the stool that was beside her and placed it down behind the kit, "You ever played before?"

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now