seventy three

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Okay, I know that the luxury resort in Bora Bora wasn't around in the seventies -at least i don't think it was- but for this story's sake, let's say it was because that place is hella expensive and Roger likes expensive things and wants to treat his wifey


Roger had really gone all out for their honeymoon. He hadn't been able to get reservations for until a week after the wedding and once Rebecca found out where they were going, she just about passed out.

He didn't tell her at first, just blindfolded and led her through the airport which admittedly got them a few weird stares.

Of course, he let her take the blindfold off when they were on the plane but he almost had to wrestle it back on when the landed since they had to get on a smaller charter flight to the resort's island and then a yacht across the water in a short 35-minute sail.

When they finally get their feet back on solid ground, she was so ready to kill him but then, she saw where they were going to be staying for the week.

"We're in Bora Bora," she whispers, turning to look at him as they're stood outside the luxury resort, "I'm going to kiss you now."

He nods, "I think you should definitely kiss me."

She does, but it's over far too quickly and she takes hold of his hand to drag him towards the resort.

Upon entering the building, they're greeted with flower lei's and a glass of chilled pineapple water, which Rebecca eagerly sips at while Roger deals with the check-in.

The place is so beautiful - the staff are all beautiful and she looks at the receptionist when she asks if they're here for business or pleasure.

Pleasure," Roger smirks, "Definitely pleasure."

"We just got married," Rebecca explains, holding up her left hand to show off her wedding band.

"Hey," Roger frowns, noticing a lack of diamond on her finger, "Where's your engagement ring?"

"I left it at home," she murmured, "Didn't want to bring it and lose it. I told you I was leaving it."

"Did you?"

She furrows her eyebrows, "Maybe I didn't."

They're escorted to their accommodation and Rebecca squeals quietly when she realises they're heading towards the famous overwater bungalows and once they're inside, she darts off to explore where they'll be sleeping for the next week (Roger did have two weeks off but with such short notice, he was lucky to even get a week at this place).

Once they're alone, Roger goes in search of Rebecca and finds her standing on their private deck, dipping her toes into the pool that they've also got and she doesn't jump when he wraps his arms around her but she does rest her head back against his shoulder.

"Are you happy?"

She frowns. How could he even ask her that? Of course she is! She's stood here in the middle of a beautiful lagoon with her handsome new husband and probably about to have the most amazing honeymoon that suppressed all expectations.

"So happy," she whispers, "You make me incredibly happy, Roger Taylor."

"Now who's the sappy one?"


Admittedly, the two of them didn't really do much. The first couple of days were spent partaking in sun, sea and sex -which Roger thought was a lovely way to spend their honeymoon.

But his wife had other ideas.

On their third day, Roger awoke to an empty bed and before he can close his eyes and doze off again, the door to their bungalow opens and Rebecca comes in carrying a bunch of pamphlets and a white bowl.

"Someone's taken a trip to the information desk," Roger yawns, stretching his arms above his head, which startles her.

She gives him a bright smile as she takes a seat on the edge of the bed, "Morning. I got you some of that fruit you like."

"Thank you," he mumbled, nodding to the pamphlets that she's still clutching, "What do you have there?"

"Oh!" she says excitedly, "As fun as staying here and having sex, is, I thought that we could actually go out and do something."

He groans and throws the blankets over his head and Rebecca rolls her eyes. 

Such a child sometimes. 

"It's too early."

Even though he can't see it, Rebecca pouts as lays down beside him, "Please, Rog?"

"Alright," he nods, lowering the blankets so he can look at her, "What do you want to do?" 

"Well," she says, eagerly showing him one of her pamphlets, "It says here that if you come between July and November, you're in the prime time to see whales."

"Whales?" he repeats. 

"Whales." she nods, "I want to see the whales."

He glances between her and the paper, plucking it from her fingers, "Do you need to book it?"

"I don't think so, no."

"Alright," he agrees, "But it says here that the best time to see them is around four. And it's eleven in the morning." 

"I know," she shrugs, "That's why I have a plan B."

"Of course you do," he whispers, "Tell me what it is then."

"Before I do," she mumbles, shuffling closer to him to press her lips to his, "I love you. And I'm so grateful that you brought us here."

This only made him think that this was something he wouldn't want to do. 

"You have to promise that we can do it."

She pecked his lips again as he closed his eyes, "We can do it."

"It's a hike!" she said enthusiastically, holding up a pamphlet, "It goes all around the island but we can just do a little stretch of it."

There was no point in him even trying to argue. She always got what she wants. 

"I just think that we should do some things out of the bungalow?" Rebecca continues, attempting to plead her case. 

"We have," he argues, "I've got a lovely photo of you out in the lagoon yesterday morning,"  

"Please, Roger," she pouts. 

"Fine," he relents and while she grins and bounds off the bed to go for a shower, he lets his eyes fall shut again. He's regretting this already.


sorry that this is quite short and boring. but i will be doing a second part of the honeymoon for the next chapter

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