forty three

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On the tenth of January at quarter to three in the morning, Roger wakes Becca up so they can make their way to the airport.

There's a minibus picking them up along with the rest of the band at half past and they need to get a couple more things together.

"Do you think there's enough time for me to shower?" she asks as she shuffles through from the bedroom, blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

"If you're quick," he hums as he squeezes by her to grab their cases.

"I will be," she promises, tossing the blanket onto the couch as she walks by it, "Are you having one?"

"I'll be through in a few."

She nods and closes the bathroom door over behind her. Not all the way so he can hear her singing an Elton John song softly as she starts up the shower.

Roger wants to leave as soon as the minibus gets there so he put their cases by the door and their passports and such on the coffee table.

She's singing White Queen when he finally wanders into the bathroom, kicking off his boxers before he's climbing into the shower behind her.

When she realises he's there, she turns and rests her head on his shoulder.

"Who is the one who got us such an early flight?" she grumbles and he brings a hand up to push his now soaked hair from his face.

"You can blame that one on Paul, love."


His eyebrows shoot up at her quiet insult. He's never heard her be that way towards anyone and wonders if it's just because she's tired, "Woah."

"What?" she asks, turning to grab her shampoo.

"You don't like Paul?"

Shrugging, she holds up her hands and he wordlessly bends his knees so she can wash his hair for him, "There's just something about him that puts me on edge. He's always got this look on his face like he's up to something."

"Yeah?" he asks, stepping under the pathetic stream of water that's coming from the shower, "Like what?"

"I'm not entirely sure," she admits, grabbing her shampoo so she can do her own hair, "But I will find out."


The minibus arrives bang on time and Rebecca finds herself sat up the back next to Brian since Roger was too invested in a conversation with Paul and Freddie down the front. She's got her head rest on his shoulder as she tries to will herself to stay awake.

She'll sleep on the plane.

"Have you ever flown before?" Brian asked quietly and Rebecca struggled to hear him over all the hilarity that seemed to be going on down the front.

"No," she kept her voice just as low, "'m a little nervous if I'm honest."

"You'll be fine," he assured, "Plane crashes aren't as likely as you think."

His words did very little to reassure her but she doesn't say anything. She knows that he's just trying to make her feel better and knowing that they've got a little time before they get to the airport, Rebecca closes her eyes once more and tries to get more comfortable against Brian but she can't.

They pick up John and when he climbs onto the bus without Hannah, everyone gives him a questioning look to which he explains that she's got an early class later on and that they said their goodbyes inside.

Every time Rebecca gets so much as close to sleeping, she's met with images of their plane nose-diving into the sea or the wings being ripped off and she's very tempted to just tell Roger to go off without her, that she's perfectly fine staying in England until he comes back.

"Rebecca," Brian says softly and she looks down to see that her nails are digging into his arm, which she's quick to apologise for, making him laugh but sensing her worries, he gives her hand a little squeeze, "You're going to be fine."


The aircraft is smaller on the inside. That's the first thing she notices and does not like as she follows Roger and Freddie down the aisle.

"Okay; Freddie, Brian," Paul called, gaining everyone's attention, "You're in this row with Alice."

Alice does seem lovely. She and Rebecca had a proper chance to chat when they were waiting to board. She's chatty and enthusiastic to watch the way Prenter works but of course, having to work with him all the time makes Rebecca feel sorry for the poor woman.

"Rog, John. You're here with Becca."

Deaky comes to a halt in front of her and she sees that Roger is already sat in the window seat and he falls down into the middle one, which she doesn't mind, she wants to be as far from the window as she can.

Standing on her toes, she tries to shove her carry on into the overhead compartment and the two men just watch her struggle until Brian takes pity on her and gets out of his seat to help.

"Thank you, Brian," Rebecca says quietly and before she can sit down next to John, Roger kicks his leg.

"Switch seats."

"What? No."

"Come on, Deaky. It's her first time flying. Look at her."

He does, seeing the uneasiness rolling off of her in waves and he shrugs, grabbing his book, "If she gets scared, I'll hold her hand."


Huffing to himself, the bassist reluctantly moves, freeing up the seat for her and she gives him a grateful smile as she slowly sits down.

Roger takes her hand, bringing it up to his mouth so he can kiss the back of it, "You doing okay?"

"I'm not going to lie to you, Rog. No, I'm not."

"You'll be fine."

"Told her that on the way here," Brian piped up from in front of them, kneeling in his seat so he can look at them.

"You also told me that plane crashes aren't likely." Rebecca muttered and Roger glares at him.

"Why the hell would you say that?"

Brian held up his hands, "I was trying to reassure her."

"You did a grand job, mate," John said, not looking up from his book, "She looks very relaxed to me."

"Oh shut up." Brian hissed, turning around again when the air stewardess told them to buckle up and get ready for take-off.

"Oh god, this is it," she breathes, pushing some hair back when she feels herself clam up.

"Take off is the worst of it, darling," Freddie said over his shoulder, "You'll be fine after. That, I promise you."

She tapped Roger's arm, making him tear his eyes from where he was watching the people on the runway, "Can I hold your hand?"

Gaze softening, he held his hand out for her and she was quick to slide her fingers through his.

John holds his hand up too, "Do you want to hold mine too?"

He was joking and hadn't expected her to take it but Rebecca did, gripping it just as tight as she was Roger's.

"Okay," he murmured, closing his book as the plane began picking up speed, letting out a hiss when her grip tightened, "Okay, yep. My hand is going to be broken after this."

She still didn't let go.

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