seventy one

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Roger made sure that he was the first one down at the hotel the next afternoon.

Unknown to Rebecca, he'd actually booked one of their best rooms for tonight and so he had gotten ready there instead of at the flat.

He made sure to be standing outside when he knew their family and friends were due to start showing up and he wasn't surprised when Brian and Alice were the first.

Prompt as usual.

"Roger," Brian greeted, raising his eyebrow at the expensive looking tux he had on, "Blimey, you're dressed a bit fancy for a bit of lunch are you not?"

Roger shrugged, "It's a fancy place."

"Yeah, but a tuxedo? Where's Becca? Surely she didn't let you come out in that."

"She'll be here soon."

John, Hannah and Charlotte were next to arrive, the baby asleep in a carry seat which John was holding.

"I have to say," John said quietly, "I was a little bit surprised you wanted the baby here."

"Wanted her to be involved. Is that your camera?" he asks.

"It is," Hannah nodded, "I need to be ready at all times. Charlotte could do something cute."

"Everything she does you think is cute..." John murmured 

The group all make some small talk with one another and even though there are three members of one of the biggest bands right now, there's no one is batting an eyelid. They just haven't really become cool in England.

Roger glances at his watch, seeing that time is ticking on and if his parents, Clare and Morag don't come soon, Rebecca's going to arrive soon, but the worries leave him and he steps away from the group when he sees his family, along with Morag approaching.

"Mum, Clare," he greeted them with a kiss on the cheek, "Dad."

"Where's Rebecca?" Morag asked as she pulled him into a hug. They really had come a long way since announcing their engagement and when they first met, his mum and her's got on so well, that neither Rog or Becca could quite believe it.

He doesn't get a chance to reply because Clare is pulling at the sleeve of his tux, "What's with the suit? You look like you're getting married."

Behind him, the chatter stops as the realisation hits the group like a train.

Looking at his mum, she looks like she's going to start crying at any moment now and his dad's looking at him with wide eyes. 

Clare's smirking and Morag, well, he can't really tell what that woman is thinking. 

"Married?" his mum croaks, "You're getting married?"

He takes her hands, "I know it's sudden. I do, but it's what we want. We don't wait to wait. We just wanted to do it with the people we care about most."

Winnie rubs his cheek with her thumb, "Well, how can I be mad at that? I'm getting a daughter-in-law today."

He feels a weight being lifted from his shoulders and lets her wrap him up in her arms, feeling her kiss his cheek and he hears Brian speak up from behind him. 

"Now the tux makes sense."


As the car gets closer and closer to the registry office, Rebecca feels her palms start to sweat.  

The dress is perfect; it fits her beautifully, she's done her hair and make up the best she can (she had to do her eyes twice because her hands kept shaking) and she hopes that Roger likes the dress. Maybe it's too simple.  

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now