sixty two

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It's not often that the band has time to go out and get drunk anymore, with rehearsal for the upcoming tour and the fact that John didn't like leaving Hannah, who was well into her seventh month or pregnancy it was rare that everyone managed to make it out.

But, it was Mary's birthday and so with the exception of Hannah and John (Who they promised to take out on a non-alcoholic adventure), they decided they'd all make an effort to go out together.

Roger was supposed to be going along too but when he woke up with a migraine, he decided to give it a miss and so Rebecca was going it alone.

She met up with Brian and Alice, who she sadly hadn't seen much due to the fact that Elton John seemed to always be needing her and the four of them made their way to Mary's favourite place to drink.

They made their way into the building loudly, gaining the attention of the few people who were already sat down and those people continued to stare as they made their way through the tables to get to the table where Freddie and Mary were sat.

I mean, who wouldn't stare. A number one selling band are mere feet from them.

"You made it!" Freddie grins, standing up to greet them.

"We wouldn't miss it, Fred," Brian says, leaning down to kiss Mary' cheek, "Happy birthday, Mary. How's your dad?"

"He's good, thanks," she replies, moving over in the booth so Alice and Rebecca can sit next to her, "No Roger?"

"He's got a migraine," Rebecca frowned as she shrugged her wet coat off, "He's had them quite a bit these days. But never mind that, how's your day been? I hope Freddie's been spoiling you."

"I always spoil her, darling," he says from across the table, "And now that we're all here, I'll get us some champagne."

"I'll help you with the glasses," Brian says as the door opens and Freddie's eyes light up.

"No need, Brian. I'm sure Paul will be happy to help."

Both Alice and Rebecca groan at the sound of his name as Freddie goes to the bar and looking at Mary, she sees that she also isn't happy that he's here.

"Why would he invite him?" Alice mutters and the blonde shrugs.

"They've been getting on rather well since Bohemian Rhapsody was released," Mary says as she toys with a coaster, "It's always Paul this and Paul that."

"Better watch he doesn't steal him from you, eh?" Brian jokes and while the two girls laugh, Mary just gives him a weak smile.

Although they were all together, the men all broke off into their own conversation which left the women to talk about Alice's new job, which thankfully, she's happy to talk about.

"Is it weird?" Mary asks, "Y'know, looking after just the one person?"

"I'm not actually doing that now," Alice replies, "I'm more...Elton said that I have a knack with people so he's made me his media coordinator or something like that and to be honest, I like it. The hours are better and I'm getting paid more."

"That's great," both Mary and Rebecca smile, "But you're missing us, right?"

"Of course I am," she laughs, "The people are great and all but..."

"They're not Queen." the three of them say in unison and Rebecca gets up.

"Right, 'm going to the loo. What does the birthday girl want for her next drink?"

"The same again would be lovely," she smiles and Rebecca nods.

"Brian? Alice? Another?"

Brian's quick to stand up too, "I'll get them in, love."

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now