twenty nine

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surprise! another update because you guys are amazing and your comments make me smile so without further ado, here you go!


It was raining when she arrived in Glasgow- something she hadn't thought of when she left so she didn't have a jacket or an umbrella to keep her dry.

But luckily, Hannah was indeed waiting for her in Central Station, waving like an idiot as she got off the train.

"I can't believe you're here!" she squealed, throwing her arms around her, "Roger is going to go mental!"

"You didn't tell him, did you?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at her as she shook her head.

"Of course not!" Hannah looked offended, "I would never!"

"Good," Rebecca giggled, setting her small bag on the ground, "Now, what's the plan?"

"Well, we'll need to go to the hotel first. It's not the most amazing place but we have proper beds. We'll get you changed."

Rebecca was shaking her head, "Hannah, no. There's no time. They go on at half seven. If I'd gotten an earlier train, that'd be fine but it's six thirty just now and I don't want to miss their first song. We'll just dump my things and then go to the venue. Which is where?"

"The uni," she answered as they stepped outside, the two of them grimacing when they were immediately hit with the wind and rain.

"It wasn't raining when I came in," Hannah frowned, "Oh, Becca we're gonna get soaked."

Rebecca didn't care. She honestly didn't. She just wanted to see Roger.

And she told Hannah that and she smiled, "Okay. Then, let's go!"


Being that she too was in an unfamiliar city, it took Hannah a while to find the way back to the hotel and by the time they both fell into the lobby, they were drenched and it was seven thirty on the dot.

So much for making the show on time.

They still had to get to the uni but Hannah swore that she knew the way there, said that the hotel had provided a map of the city and such which she had memorised.

How she couldn't have memorised the route from the station to the hotel was beyond Rebecca but she didn't say anything.

She just followed Hannah up to her and John's room, where she dumped her bag and the two of the returned back into the rain.

They arrived at the university at seven fifty-five and Hannah pulled her through the crowd, ducking under the tape that sectioned off the backstage area only to be stopped by an intimidating man with long dark hair.

"Oh," she breathed, holding up a pathetic piece of card that was around her neck, signalling that she was in fact allowed to be back there and Rebecca frowned.

She didn't have one.

And the guy noticed and shook his head, "Out on the floor."

"Are you kidding?" Hannah gaped, "She'll get trampled!"

"Hannah," Rebecca whispered, silently begging for her not to make a scene, "It's okay. I'll be fine."

"You will not. I've seen the people at these gigs, some of them, are huge."

"I'll be fine," she repeated, squeezing her hand.

She looked reluctant to leave her but eventually, she nodded and let her go.

And so they went their separate ways, Rebecca going into the madness that was the crowd while Hannah went to find Mary and the band, finding them just in time to catch them as they were going on stage.

"Christ," Roger snorted when she came into view, "What happened to you?"

John looked confused too but welcomed the kiss she was offering, "What did happen?"

"You'll see, Deaks," was all she hummed, ignoring the expression on his face, "You'll see"


Rebecca's never experienced a show from the middle of the crowd before - she's always been sat up nearer the back, at a table with the other girls and she has to say, she's not enjoying it.

There are bodies pressed against her in every direction, she's being jostled as they dance and sing along to the music that's being played.

But she's small and uses that to her advantage, using her elbows to push her way to the front, resting herself against the metal barrier that is separating the crowd from the stage, staring up at Freddie with an awed expression.

She takes it back. This is actually a pretty good place to be. He's so close and working the crowd so well and she wishes that she had a camera so she could get a picture.

Then her gaze moves toward the back of the stage, to Roger. His brow is furrowed and she knows that he's probably nursing some ridiculous hangover but damn, he looks good. He's wearing an open vest with nothing underneath it and he's even attempted to do eyeliner on himself and she watches him lean down to grab a bottle of beer to pour across his drums.

She waves at Freddie when he notices her, the smile on his face growing and she can't help but laugh when he blows a kiss for her.

The audience cheers as the song come to an end, Freddie giving them an overdramatic bow and he takes a couple of minutes just to get a drink.

It's when they're gearing up to go into the next song that Freddie goes to stand by Roger's drum kit, pointing out into the crowd, where she is and when Roger sees her, he just stares.

She's soaking, a little puddle forming on the floor from her dripping clothes and she quickly attempts to try and make herself look even just a little bit more presentable because come on, that's her rockstar boyfriend up there and she wants to look good.

And for a second, she's worried, worried that he might not want to see her. Worried that he's still mad that she couldn't come sooner.

But then he smiles; a smile that takes her breath away. A smile that takes over his whole face, that makes him look younger and she's grinning back at him, giving him a shy wave when a few of the girls in the audience look to see who's making him smile like that.

Freddie bends down at the edge of the stage, mumbling something in one of the security guy's ear before he's gesturing her forward, close to the barrier again and Rebecca lets out a small squeak when he lifts her over easily, pushing her toward the stairs that would take her backstage and she sees Mary and Hannah waving eagerly at her, the blonde pulling her into a tight hug when she reaches them, despite her damp clothing.

"Holy shit. You're here!" she squeals, "How are you here?"

Rebecca doesn't answer, she just turns to look back onto the stage, where Roger's gone back to concentrating on playing but she sees that he is still grinning to himself and she sighs happily.

This is where she was supposed to be.

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