thirty two

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look at that lil smile

😭 you guys are seriously going to make me cry with all your lovely comments. i read every single comment and i honestly can't tell you how happy they make me.
and what is this? #1 in the bohemian rhapsoday tag?

 and what is this? #1 in the bohemian rhapsoday tag?

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Roger wakes to the sound of Rebecca's voice and for a minute, he thinks she's talking to Brian but opening his eyes, he sees that she's on the hotel phone and he takes a moment to just look at her.

His hoodie, which she was wearing when he went to sleep last night had been thrown to the bottom of the bed, leaving her in her bra and Freddie's shorts.

He sits up and presses a kiss to her shoulder just as she hangs up, "Who was that?"

"Linda," she sighs and he immediately frowns.

"What did she want? Better yet, how does she know where you're staying?"

Rebecca laughed, reaching out to sort a strand of hair that had fallen into his face, "She doesn't. I rang her. So I could tell her that I won't be coming back."

He feels a smile creeping onto his face, "Yeah? How's that?"

"I quit," she said simply, watching his eyes light up.

"You quit?"

She nodded, letting out another laugh when he threw himself at her, forcing her to lie back down.

"You're staying?"

"Well, when Freddie said that you're positively miserable when I'm not here, I thought that I couldn't possibly have them go through that..." She trails off as he rest his head on her stomach, looking up at her with a boyish grin on his face and she can't help but reach out to toy with some more of his hair.

"This is going to be amazing," he whispered, kissing her warm skin, "You wanna have a little...?"

"Brian's in the bathroom."

"And thank god you remembered," the guitarist spoke as he came through the door, "But we're leaving soon. Get your things together."

Roger rolls his eyes at his responsibility while Rebecca has managed to shimmy out from underneath him, which causes him to fall face first onto the mattress.

She pulls on one of his shirts before grabbing the room key, "I just need to nip to Hannah's room for my bag."

"Okay," Both men nod and Roger turned his head, from where he was still laid down, to watch her go with a smile on his face.

Brian pottered about, packing his stuff up into his bag and when he glances at his bandmate, he sees that he still has that dopey smile on his face and he laughs.

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