twenty seven

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The band were in Cheltenham and they'd just played one of their best sets so far and when they'd come off stage, Roger, who was still high on the adrenaline running through him, leapt up onto John's back, letting him carry him down the corridors to the dressing room, where he was dropped and he eagerly went for a beer that was set up on a table; popping it open before making for the phone that was on the wall just outside the room.

Brian gave him a pat on the back as he walked by, silently congratulating him on a great how and he grinned as he dialled Becca's number, waiting patiently for her to pick up.

Tomorrow. He'd see her tomorrow.

It took her a while to answer, which made him frown and look down the corridor to the clock that was on the wall. It had just gone nine thirty so surely she wasn't already in her bed.

"Hello?" she sounded tired.

"Hey, love."

"Roger," she yawned, "Hi."

"Were you in bed?" he asked, suddenly feeling guilty.

"No," she said clearing her throat, "Just taking a little nap on the couch."

"A nap? What're you needing a nap for? Got someone else there to tire you out?"

"Oh, yeah." she giggled, making him grin, "He's just left actually. Before you rang."

"What's got you so tired?"

He heard her moving around, probably trying to get comfortable again, "Just work. It's really killing me just now. So much to be done and not enough people to do it."

"Aw, Bex." he cooed, "Don't worry. You've got a short shift tomorrow and then you're off for the weekend."

There was no answer.

"Becca? Have you fallen asleep?"

"No..." she replied timidly and he felt the smile slip from his face.

He didn't like how quiet she'd gotten.

"Rebecca, you are off this weekend, right?" he didn't know why he was even asking. He already knew the answer.


"Three weeks," he said, tightening his grip on both the phone and the bottle he was holding, "It's been three weeks since I've seen you."

"I know," she whispered, "But-"

"But what?" he asked, "Do you even want to come see me?"

"Of course I do!" she replied and he could hear the crack in her voice, "How could you even ask me that?"

"What is it this time, hm? What does Linda need you for this time?"

"She forgot tha-"

"Forgot?" he interrupted, "Please don't tell me you actually believe that, Becca. She's taking advantage of you because she knows that you'll do anything to help her. That you won't say no or fight her on her decision."

Last weekend, there was a huge sale on that Linda needed her for and the week before that, someone was out sick. And Rebecca didn't know how to say no to the woman but Roger'd had enough.

"She needs me to help, Roger." Rebecca sniffed, "I can't just abandon the shop."

"What about me?" he whispered, "I need you too, Rebecca. I miss you. I..."

"Come on, Roger!" Deaky called, slapping him on the back, "We're heading out now. Gotta be in Glasgow for tomorrow morning. And get this, we're staying in an actual hotel."

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