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It wasn't until five days before the wedding that Rebecca finally found a dress she loved.

She was walking through the shopping centre, killing some time before she met up with Hannah for lunch and with time running out before the wedding, she was starting to think that she was going to have to just suck it up and pick one of the others she had tried on.

It was then, as she exited back onto the busy London street that she spotted a cute looking little shop that she'd never seen before; Dorothy's Dresses and with a name like that, she was sold.

Entering the shop, she was met with the smell of a sweet smelling candle burning and as the door swung shut behind her, she had a very good feeling about this place.

And she was right to have that feeling because not even half an hour later, she was walking back out of there with her perfect dress.

Meanwhile, at the studio, since John is in the booth and Roger is her favourite, he's been nominated as the one who puts her down for a nap. 

They've got a quiet area set up for her and when she starts to get fussy and things are getting just that little bit too loud for her delicate ears, he happily takes the baby from Brian and heads back. 

As soon as they vacate the noise, she immediately starts to calm down. 

"Can I tell you a secret, Lottie?" he whispers, holding the dozing baby securely against his chest, "You won't tell anyone, will you?"

All he gets in reply is a cute little baby sigh and he smiles.

"Knew you'd have my back," he sits down on the couch that's in the back room and repositions her so she's in his arms, staring up at him with big eyes, "You know your Aunt Becca and me? We're getting married. But everyone knows that already don't they? But see, the thing is, we're getting married on Friday."

Charlotte yawned and Roger started rocking her gently to try and get her to fall asleep. 

"I know. That's big, isn't it? But you can't tell anyone. It's a surprise. It's our little secret."

He grins when she raises her little hand, almost as if she was understanding him and he gently pressed his finger against her palm, as a sort of baby high five. 

It's when she's just fallen asleep that John pops his head around the door, "How's it going in here?"

"Fine," Roger nods, "She's out." 

"Great. I'll sit with her. Freddie says he wants to put down the drums now."

"Remember what we said," Roger whispers to the sleeping baby before he puts her down in the travel cot they've got set up, kissing the soft wisps of hair on her head, "Our little secret."


Four days before the wedding, Roger and Rebecca made their way to the best jeweller that Roger knew so they could pick out their wedding bands.

Upon entering the shop, they split ways and while she goes to look at the silver bands, she wants to match it with her engagement ring, Roger goes up to the counter to speak to the man behind it. 

Rebecca's truly in awe of the collection that they have and if she was anywhere else, she'd probably be pressing her face against the glass but she stops herself. This is a fancy place and she has some self-control. 

Her engagement ring is pretty spectacular and she doesn't want to take anything away from that because she absolutely loves it and so she focuses more attention on the plain silver bands but there are so many to consider.  

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now