ninety one

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i really want Wattpad to give us a 'like' button so i can like all of your comments. i do read them all and love you all for them. thank you 💕


"I saw your friend Freddie again last night."

Rebecca genuinely didn't see the point in the week between Christmas and New Year. It's a complete waste of time!

Yes, the most wonderful time of year was officially over and this time, she and Roger had spent the day with just each other since it was going to be the last one with just the two of them.

And of course, Roger had to go and buy her the most beautiful diamond necklace and matching earrings - she felt rather silly when she handed over a watch and some engraved drumsticks but he loved them, promising that if he used them, he'd only use them on special occasions.

Back to now though and Rebecca found herself sat in the Buttercup Café with Jim. Turns out that this time of year is quiet for the both of them. Nobody's wanting to get a haircut or all dolled up on the 27th of December.

"Yeah?" Rebecca asks in response to his statement, "Did he recognise you?"

"Doubt it. He was pissed. Tried to buy me a drink."


"I told him to fuck off," he shrugs, "I was with my John."

Rebecca's eyebrows shot up, "He wouldn't have liked that."

He takes a sip of his coffee, "He didn't seem too bothered if I'm honest. Happily went back to his friends - one of which wouldn't stop looking at me."

She didn't have to guess who that was.

"What are your plans for New Year?" Jim asks after a beat of silence.

"Well, I was hoping that it was going to be a quiet one. Y'know just me and Rog but it seems he has another plan."

And that plan was a party.

Last year, the house was barely finished but now, apparently, it was the perfect place to hold one. It's big, which means there's plenty of room for everyone and the big seller, they didn't have any neighbours to worry about and so the party could go on all night, which she fears it will.

Rebecca loves a party as much as the next person but she is coming up to her last month in her pregnancy. Baby Taylor is almost ready to come into the world. Most days, Roger leaves for work in the mornings when she's asleep and when he comes home, she's still sleeping.

She's just exhausted all the time and really, she can't wait to not be pregnant anymore. Just the other day there, it took her almost ten minutes to pick up the tv remote when she dropped it and by the time she had managed to grab it, she was again, exhausted.

But she just can't bring herself to ask Roger to cancel it. He's so excited and again, it is the last one before the baby comes and they don't have to worry about finding a babysitter or stuff like that and so she agreed.

"A party?" Jim asks and she nods, perking up slightly.

"You should come! And as a guest this time and not a waiter."

"Oh," he looks hesitant, "I don't know if that's a good idea."

"Why not?"

"Freddie will be there."

Waving a hand, Rebecca scoffs, "Freddie was drunk."

"I'll think about it."

She'll take that.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now