one hundred and two

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i've just realised that i should have made Pippi a beagle for the cute ben/frankie content. ffs stacey


Rebecca was glad that she had plenty of stuff to do that kept her busy, taking her mind off of the fact that Roger wasn't here. Looking after Ellie and Pippi was a full-time job in itself and she always fell into bed at the end of the night absolutely exhausted.

Her clients also kept her busy. Of course, now if she went to their house to do their makeup, Ellie had to come with her but thankfully, most of them didn't seem to mind and happily helped Rebecca set up a little area for her so she could play on the floor close by.

She could have hired someone to come to the house and look after Ellie but she didn't. She quite liked having her come to work. Let's just say it's never a dull moment especially since she is crawling now and her speech is coming along quite quickly as well.

Hannah and the Deacon children practically lived in their house at the weekends. Apparently, if she had to listen to one more opening of a child's tv programme and didn't have any adult conversation, she was going to throw herself out the closest window.

Rebecca didn't mind. She too thought that there was only so much baby talk you could handle in one week so the two of them found a welcome relief in one another.

Plus, there was something about watching the three Queen babies all playing on the rugs together or with Pippi that they quite liked. A lot of photos were taken.


The band didn't come home for their ten-day break. Miami said that there was no point in them coming home to get over the jet lag just to go back and have their body clocks messed up again.
Was Rebecca disappointed? Of course she was, it meant that if she didn't fly out, she and Ellie wouldn't be seeing Roger till Christmas.

He missed her birthday but that didn't stop him from ordering two dozen red roses for her from the best florist and sending her a bottle of expensive perfume, which she absolutely adored.

It was now the second week in October. She was now four months pregnant and just a couple of days ago, she noticed that there was the beginning of a baby bump appearing. She was a little gutted that she didn't have anyone to share it with this time.

They've obviously told people that they're having another baby now, most -if not all- were a little stunned at just how quick it was happening but they were happy all the same.

As she fed Ellie who was sat in her high chair, Rebecca deliberated with herself on if she should fly over and see Roger, silently weighing up the pros and cons in her head.

Her morning sickness has subsided significantly. She gets the odd hit of it but they're rare now. She thinks she could make it on a flight.

But she'd have to take Ellie on the plane herself. She doesn't know how she'd handle that...but if she doesn't go, Christmas.

"What do you think, love?" Rebecca asks her daughter, wiping some of the food from her chin, "Do you think we should go see daddy?"

"Dada!" she squeals, bringing her hand down into the bowl of what she believes is chicken and carrot risotto, causing it to go everywhere.

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