fifty seven

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i definitely feel that if insta was available in the 70s, rebecca would be running one dedicated to roger

also, if anyone is talented in the making book covers department, hit me up because i feel this book needs a new one. i would greatly appreciate it 


"Rebecca? Bex, come on love."

Letting out a groan, she cracked an eye open, seeing Roger hovering over her and after looking at the clock on the wall to see that it was only six o'clock, she closed it again and buried her face back into the pillow, "What?"

"Come on," he whispered, keeping quiet for the sake of the rest of the house, who were probably all still sleeping much to Rebecca's annoyance, "Wake up."

"Roger," she finally huffed, turning away from him, "What? This better be good or I swea-"

"You said you wanted to see the sunrise, remember?" he laughed.

"I've changed my mind," she mumbled, "Besides, it's raining."

"No it isn't," she felt him kiss her shoulder, "It's dry. Sky's clear, the sun is shining so it's the perfect conditions."

"Can't we do it tomorrow?"

"It'll be raining. Today's the only clear day that's forecast for the week. This might be our only chance."

Letting out another groan, she finally rolled onto her back and looked up at him, "Do we have to?"

"Yes," he whispered, kissing her forehead as he held up a flask, "I've made us some tea."

Reluctantly, she threw the blankets off of her and got up to put some shoes on, "'m not getting changed."

"That's fine."

"I get your warm jacket."

"Of course."

"And you give me a piggyback."

Grabbing his coat from the wardrobe for her, he laughed, "Proper little diva this morning, aren't you?"

She gave him a sleepy smile, putting the flask into one of the deep pockets when she had it on, "Learned from the best, haven't I cupboard boy? And I'm joking about the piggyback."

"Great, is that sticking?"


They leave the house silently and once they're out in the yard, Roger immediately crouches down in front of her, "Hop on."

"I said I was joking," she laughed but when he doesn't straighten up, she jumps onto his back, smacking his shoulder when he lets out an exaggerated groan before settling, resting her head on his shoulder as he started walking in the direction of a path that would take them into the fields and Rebecca found it hard not to fall asleep again with the rocking motions of his body.

As if reading her mind, Roger spoke up, "You better not fall asleep."

"I won't," she hummed, kissing the warm skin of his neck, "'m just resting my eyes."


Giggling to herself, Rebecca closes her eyes once more and then the only sound between them is the sound of Roger's boots in the damp mud. 

They, by that she means Roger, walk in silence until the come to a large tree that's on a hill looking over the surrounding countryside and that's where they come to a stop.

"Here we go," he says, letting her slide off his back, "Brian and John say this is the best place to see it and get pictures."

She pulls the flask of tea from the pocket of the coat and hands him it when he asks for it and while he sits down against the trunk, she stands in front of him.

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