ninety two

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New Year's Eve rolled around a lot faster than she would have liked and Roger, much to her annoyance had been pulled into a meeting with their management, leaving her to deal with the party planners and caterers.

They had actually arrived yesterday to start setting up and decorate and since it was Roger's thing, he had directed them on where to put everything but today, she was in charge.

Thankfully though, Hannah had decided to come by earlier, bringing the outfit she'd be wearing with her since it didn't make sense for her to go all the way back home just to drive back and John would be coming straight from the meeting as well.

The two of them sat at the dining table, watching as the caterers set to work on the food they'd be serving.

"I actually can't believe you're doing this," Hannah spoke up, "I mean, you are close to your due date and all I wanted to do at that point with Charlotte, was be left alone and sleep. I think that's why John ended up spending so much time here."

Rebecca laughs, "I felt that way a couple of days ago. But now, I'm a little excited. I'll probably regret that later on though when my feet are killing me."

There's a loud crash from outside, where they're setting up some outside heaters in the garden and although she should really go see what that was, she can't be bothered.

One of the caterers place a fruit platter down on the table in between the two women and by the time the woman has returned to the kitchen, Hannah has helped herself to the strawberry slices and Rebecca is picking up some apple.

That woman really shouldn't have left it there.


The party officially starts at 7pm but knowing that some of their guests -Freddie- will turn up earlier, Rebecca and Hannah head upstairs to get ready at five.

Last night, she had told Roger that she wasn't planning on making an effort. She was going to put on a pair of dress trousers and a nice blouse but since she was feeling a lot better about the occasion, she changed her mind and digging through her wardrobe, she found her favourite dress - the green fox printed one.

Okay, it wasn't the exact dress. The original one no longer fit her but Roger had bought her a maternity one in the same print when he saw how gutted she was when she couldn't wear it anymore.

She's putting on some lipstick when he gets home and she smiles when he lets out a low wolf whistle.

"Well hello, Mrs Taylor," he grins, standing behind her, "You look wonderful."

"Thank you," Rebecca turns to look up at him, "John here too?"

She gets her answer in the form of a crash coming from one of their guest rooms and an exasperated for goodness sake, John! from Hannah.

"He might be," Roger grins, giving her bump an affectionate pat before he disappears into their en-suite, "Take it everything went alright with the setting up, yeah?"

She nods, even though he can't see her, "Yeah. It looks great down there, Rog. Is it the same caterers who done the launch party?"

"I think so, yeah. Freddie gave me their details so probably."

"I hope Jim isn't working with them," she frowns as he comes back out of the bathroom, "I hope he comes."

"Well if he is with them," Roger mumbles, pulling on a fresh shirt, "I'm sure you'll save him."

She watches him do up one button on the shirt and rolls her eyes. Some things never change.

"You know, if you start feeling tired, or if you've had enough, I won't mind if you want to step out," he says, resting a hand on her stomach again, "And I know that doing this is probably the last thing you want to be doing."

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