ninety seven

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seriously considering entering this story into the Wattys for the bants


Hannah gave birth to a little boy, Harry Thomas Deacon just two weeks later - on the first of February.

On the third, everyone made their way to the Deacon residence to meet the baby.

And when Alice and Rebecca were chatting and cooing over the newborn, who was in a crib in the living room, that's when Rebecca noticed something new about their friend.

"What," she began, pointing to Alice's left hand, which gained the attention of John and Roger who were stood behind them, "Is that?"

"What?" Hannah yelled, "What is it? I can't-christ, will the two of you please come over here so I can see?"

Rebecca grabs hold of Alice's hand and drags her over to the couch.

On her ring finger, is a diamond ring. It's beautiful, it is but, of course, Rebecca is biased and in her opinion, no ring would be more so than her own.

Roger, who is on baby duty at the moment, takes a glance at Ellie, who is fast asleep in her car seat on top of their dining table before moving to peer over Alice's shoulder to see what all the commotion was about and Hannah raises an eyebrow.

"Are you...did Brian?"

Alice nods sheepishly and Rebecca lets out a quiet squeal before tossing her arms around her neck.

Hannah gets a closer look at the ring, giving her a nod in approval, "So, when did he ask?"

"New year," she admits and both women's mouths fall open.

"New year?!"

"Alright," John mutters, picking up his drink before he looks at Roger, "Think that's our cue to go, mate."

"I agree," he nods, picking up Ellie's car seat, "Rebecca, love, we'll be in the kitchen."

She waves a hand, letting him know that she heard him and moves to sit beside Hannah on the couch so they can interrogate the poor woman some more and as the two men leave the living room, they run into Brian who's descending the stairs, having been dragged up there by Charlotte.

"Good luck," Roger pats him on the shoulder and looking confused, his bandmate pushed the door to the living room open again, immediately being met with Rebecca squealing once more and he caught her when she threw her arms around his neck.

He made a swift exit after that, joining the other men in the kitchen while Rebecca returns to her spot on the couch beside Hannah.

"So," she grins, "Where did he do it?"

"In one of your guest rooms," Alice flushes.

"When?" Hannah demands, "After midnight?"

She shakes her head, "Just before. We had just...y'know-"

"Shagged?" Hannah interrupts and Rebecca tuts.

"Jesus, Hannah, there's a baby in the room."

She holds her hands up, giving their friend a look as if to say go on.

"We were just laying there and he just...said it. Marry me."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Rebecca frowns.

"Brian wanted to wait until he had a ring to give me," she explains, "We were going to actually tell you the day Ellie was born but come on, I couldn't take that away from you and then Harry was born."

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