twenty one

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look at Deaky's little smile tho


Tonight was the final time that Queen would be playing at their local. It was sort of a thank you to all the students who came out without fail to watch them every Friday night before they go off and become proper rockstars.

The band had gone on ahead to set up and like always, Mary came to her flat for some pre-drinks along with Hannah and then the three of them walked to the pub.

Like always, the pub was crowded and the band were sitting on the edge of the stage, which the three women had to battle their way through to get to.

"This is the biggest crowd I've seen," Rebecca said when they finally reached them, leaning back against Roger's chest, "How are you guys not nervous?"

"Used to it, I guess," Roger murmured, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder.

Hannah and John were stood a couple of feet away, having a conversation with Mary and Freddie.

Brian was on the stage, fiddling about with his guitar, smiling at a couple of young women who are stood by the stage watching him with dreamy looks on their faces.

"Shall we get some drinks in?" Mary asked, gaining both Hannah and Rebecca's attention and they nod and Rebecca tries to get out of the firm grip Roger has on her.

"Come on," she whined, "I'm gonna get you a beer!"

He finally released her but she doesn't get away that easy, he gives her bum a light pat as she walked away, smirking when she looked at him with narrowed eyes.

He decides that he should get set up and climbed back up onto the stage, sitting behind his drum kit and adjusting the cymbals.

"Oh fuck,"

He almost doesn't look up at Brian's curse, but he does, seeing him looking in the direction of the doorway and he looks to see what has caused such a stir and he freezes.

Kerry has just walked in, wearing a dress that leaves little to the imagination and a determined look on her face.

"Fuck is right," John says quietly, looking between the redhead and where Rebecca and the other girls are waiting patiently at the bar, "Maybe she won't see you."

"Too late," Freddie sang, "She's on her way over here."

"You think I could duck into the crowd?" Roger asked, standing up and for a minute, "Maybe hide?"

"Oh don't be so dramatic," Freddie sighs, "That's my thing. Maybe she's just here to see the show."

"No, she's here for something else. Someone, rather," Brian snickered.

"Roger!" he closes his eyes when she calls his name, turning around with the politest smile he can muster on his face.

"Hi, Kerry."

And Rebecca chooses that moment to turn around.


For a brief moment, she almost drops the two glasses and bottle of beer she had in her hand.


She feels the smile that was on her face slip off, replaced with a look that could kill.

"What the fuck is she doing here?"

"Who is that?"

Both Mary and Rebecca speak at the same time, and Rebecca sighs.

"That's Kerry. She and Roger used to..."

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now